<14>Aug 9 07:05:04 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 100, server rsp: 97; domain test cost 113800 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 151380 us <14>Aug 9 07:05:04 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 356 <14>Aug 9 07:05:04 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 356 <75>Aug 9 07:06:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 4370 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 07:06:05 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 2, server rsp: 2; domain test cost 114280 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 157405 us <14>Aug 9 07:06:05 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 357 <14>Aug 9 07:06:05 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 357 <15>Aug 9 07:06:21 hproxy[9257]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 07:06:21 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:16354, sock_fd: 17 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <75>Aug 9 07:07:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 7178 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 07:07:06 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 1, server rsp: 1; domain test cost 166600 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 244210 us <14>Aug 9 07:07:06 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 358 <14>Aug 9 07:07:06 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 358 <15>Aug 9 07:07:18 hproxy[9257]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(7256, 7229, 73003594), udp(7257, 7256, 0), udp-cloud(1037, 1037, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 07:07:18 hproxy[9257]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:0 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 07:07:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 0, light_cnt, 2166, channel number, 6 <15>Aug 9 07:07:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 07:07:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 3748:0:0:0:0:0 11202:0:0:0:0:0 15538:0:0:0:0:0 16164:0:0:0:0:0 16232:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 16416 <15>Aug 9 07:07:18 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 07:07:18 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want010 <15>Aug 9 07:07:18 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 1 <15>Aug 9 07:07:18 hgate[8366]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 2144724000, Ssid -, Length 16, Flags 1887426020 ] <15>Aug 9 07:07:18 hgate[8366]: prepare to dig with KR0016070022, mode 1, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 07:07:18 hgate[8366]: Use tcp crypto, fd 6, data size 61, checksum 1899 <15>Aug 9 07:07:18 hgate[8366]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:07:18 hgate[8366]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 18172112, Ssid w , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:07:18 hgate[8366]: start diging! flow_num 4072312, dig_request_value 101, peerssid KR0016070022. <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hgate[8366]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hgate[8366]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hgate[8366]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hgate[8366]: dont dig udp hole this time. 1 <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hgate[8366]: Use tcp crypto, fd 6, data size 255, checksum 6533 <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hgate[8366]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hgate[8366]: send dig info! flow num 4072312 <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hgate[8366]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0016070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hgate[7970]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hgate[7970]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 7970 ] <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hgate[7970]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 45888 ] <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hgate[7970]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hgate[7970]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hgate[7970]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 38597 ] <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hgate[7970]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 38597 ] <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hgate[7970]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hgate[7970]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 07:07:19 hgate[7970]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hgate[7970]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:1068:] recv hole privide cmd:13 <15>Aug 9 07:07:19 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:1103:] no holes. <75>Aug 9 07:08:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 9802 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 07:08:07 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 5, server rsp: 5; domain test cost 169520 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 168105 us <14>Aug 9 07:08:07 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 359 <14>Aug 9 07:08:07 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 359 <75>Aug 9 07:09:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 12394 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 07:09:08 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 1, server rsp: 1; domain test cost 120500 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 212925 us <14>Aug 9 07:09:08 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 360 <14>Aug 9 07:09:08 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 360 <75>Aug 9 07:10:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 15064 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 07:10:09 hgate[8366]: send 1100 sync <14>Aug 9 07:10:09 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 167640 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 170455 us <14>Aug 9 07:10:09 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 361 <14>Aug 9 07:10:10 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 361 <15>Aug 9 07:10:13 hproxy[9257]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 07:10:13 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:16528, sock_fd: 3 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 07:10:18 hproxy[9257]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(7316, 7289, 73269455), udp(7317, 7316, 0), udp-cloud(1046, 1046, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 07:10:18 hproxy[9257]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:0 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 07:10:18 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 07:10:18 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want010 <15>Aug 9 07:10:18 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 1 <15>Aug 9 07:10:18 hgate[8366]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 2144724000, Ssid -, Length 16, Flags 1887426020 ] <15>Aug 9 07:10:18 hgate[8366]: prepare to dig with KR0016070022, mode 1, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 07:10:18 hgate[8366]: Use tcp crypto, fd 6, data size 61, checksum 1899 <15>Aug 9 07:10:18 hgate[8366]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:10:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 0, light_cnt, 2184, channel number, 4 <15>Aug 9 07:10:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 07:10:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 3748:0:0:0:0:0 11202:0:0:0:0:0 16542:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 16544 <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[8366]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 18172112, Ssid w , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[8366]: start diging! flow_num 4072556, dig_request_value 101, peerssid KR0016070022. <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[8366]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[8366]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[8366]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[8366]: dont dig udp hole this time. 1 <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[8366]: Use tcp crypto, fd 6, data size 255, checksum 6516 <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[8366]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[8366]: send dig info! flow num 4072556 <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[8366]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0016070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[15989]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[15989]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 15989 ] <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[15989]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 45888 ] <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[15989]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[15989]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[15989]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 38597 ] <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[15989]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 38597 ] <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[15989]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[15989]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[15989]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[15989]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[15989]: Failed to dig tcp holes. <11>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[15989]: zero hole! mode 1 <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hproxy[8476]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0016070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:1068:] recv hole privide cmd:13 <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:1103:] no holes. <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[15989]: Send: ---> [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0016070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[15989]: no hole! flow num ex 4072556 <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[15989]: dig hole process 15989 will exit! <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[8366]: No 1. Exit hole punching process: [ Pid 7970, Exited 1, Status 0, Signaled 0, Termsig 0, Wcoredump 0, Stopped 0, Stopsig 0, Continued 0, Error "" ] <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[8366]: ret value 0 <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[8366]: Use tcp crypto, fd 6, data size 49, checksum 3233 <15>Aug 9 07:10:19 hgate[8366]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_FINISHED, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <75>Aug 9 07:11:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 17798 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 07:11:10 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 1, server rsp: 1; domain test cost 198300 us; heart beat recv: 5, avg cost: 149248 us <14>Aug 9 07:11:10 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 362 <14>Aug 9 07:11:11 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 362 <15>Aug 9 07:11:24 hproxy[9257]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 07:11:24 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:16786, sock_fd: 17 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <75>Aug 9 07:12:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 20491 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 07:12:11 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 241580 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 201830 us <14>Aug 9 07:12:11 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 363 <14>Aug 9 07:12:12 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 363 <75>Aug 9 07:13:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 23068 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 07:13:12 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 221300 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 192660 us <14>Aug 9 07:13:12 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 364 <14>Aug 9 07:13:13 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 364 <15>Aug 9 07:13:18 hproxy[9257]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(7376, 7347, 74507623), udp(7377, 7376, 0), udp-cloud(1055, 1054, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 07:13:18 hproxy[9257]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:0 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 07:13:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 0, light_cnt, 2202, channel number, 3 <15>Aug 9 07:13:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 07:13:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 3748:0:0:0:0:0 11202:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 16864 <15>Aug 9 07:13:18 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 07:13:18 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want010 <15>Aug 9 07:13:18 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 1 <15>Aug 9 07:13:18 hgate[8366]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 2144724000, Ssid -, Length 16, Flags 1887426020 ] <15>Aug 9 07:13:18 hgate[8366]: prepare to dig with KR0016070022, mode 1, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 07:13:18 hgate[8366]: Use tcp crypto, fd 6, data size 61, checksum 1899 <15>Aug 9 07:13:18 hgate[8366]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:13:18 hgate[8366]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 18172112, Ssid w , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:13:18 hgate[8366]: start diging! flow_num 4072805, dig_request_value 101, peerssid KR0016070022. <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[8366]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[8366]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[8366]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[8366]: dont dig udp hole this time. 1 <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[8366]: Use tcp crypto, fd 6, data size 255, checksum 6513 <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[8366]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[8366]: send dig info! flow num 4072805 <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[8366]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0016070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[23992]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[23992]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 23992 ] <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[23992]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 45888 ] <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[23992]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[23992]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[23992]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 38597 ] <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[23992]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 38597 ] <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[23992]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[23992]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[23992]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[23992]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[23992]: Failed to dig tcp holes. <11>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[23992]: zero hole! mode 1 <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hproxy[8476]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0016070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:1068:] recv hole privide cmd:13 <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:1103:] no holes. <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[23992]: Send: ---> [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0016070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[23992]: no hole! flow num ex 4072805 <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[8366]: No 1. Exit hole punching process: [ Pid 15989, Exited 1, Status 0, Signaled 0, Termsig 0, Wcoredump 0, Stopped 0, Stopsig 0, Continued 0, Error "" ] <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[8366]: No 2. Exit hole punching process: [ Pid 23992, Exited 1, Status 0, Signaled 0, Termsig 0, Wcoredump 0, Stopped 0, Stopsig 0, Continued 0, Error "" ] <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[8366]: ret value -1 <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[8366]: Use tcp crypto, fd 6, data size 49, checksum 3233 <15>Aug 9 07:13:19 hgate[8366]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_FINISHED, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:13:38 hacc[9276]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1017853460 pkt too long 489360 <15>Aug 9 07:13:38 hacc[9276]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <75>Aug 9 07:14:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 25770 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 07:14:13 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 1, server rsp: 1; domain test cost 221760 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 242435 us <14>Aug 9 07:14:13 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 365 <14>Aug 9 07:14:14 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 365 <15>Aug 9 07:14:45 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:1179:] not dead. 37 <75>Aug 9 07:15:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 28346 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 07:15:14 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 221700 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 186675 us <14>Aug 9 07:15:14 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 366 <14>Aug 9 07:15:15 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 366 <75>Aug 9 07:16:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 30956 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 07:16:15 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 1, server rsp: 1; domain test cost 217660 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 270675 us <14>Aug 9 07:16:15 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 367 <14>Aug 9 07:16:16 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 367 <15>Aug 9 07:16:18 hproxy[9257]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(7436, 7407, 74520116), udp(7437, 7436, 0), udp-cloud(1063, 1063, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 07:16:18 hproxy[9257]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:0 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 07:16:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 0, light_cnt, 2220, channel number, 5 <15>Aug 9 07:16:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 07:16:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 3748:0:0:0:0:0 11202:0:0:0:0:0 16866:0:0:0:0:0 16942:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 16956 <15>Aug 9 07:16:18 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 07:16:18 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want010 <15>Aug 9 07:16:18 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 1 <15>Aug 9 07:16:18 hgate[8366]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 2144724000, Ssid -, Length 16, Flags 1887426020 ] <15>Aug 9 07:16:18 hgate[8366]: prepare to dig with KR0016070022, mode 1, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 07:16:18 hgate[8366]: Use tcp crypto, fd 6, data size 61, checksum 1899 <15>Aug 9 07:16:18 hgate[8366]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[8366]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 18172112, Ssid w , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[8366]: start diging! flow_num 4073054, dig_request_value 101, peerssid KR0016070022. <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[8366]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[8366]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[8366]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[8366]: dont dig udp hole this time. 1 <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[8366]: Use tcp crypto, fd 6, data size 255, checksum 6510 <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[8366]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[8366]: send dig info! flow num 4073054 <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[8366]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0016070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[31704]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[31704]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 31704 ] <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[31704]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 45888 ] <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[31704]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[31704]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[31704]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 38597 ] <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[31704]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 38597 ] <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[31704]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[31704]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[31704]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[31704]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[31704]: Failed to dig tcp holes. <11>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[31704]: zero hole! mode 1 <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hproxy[8476]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0016070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:1068:] recv hole privide cmd:13 <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[8366]: ret value 0 <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[8366]: Use tcp crypto, fd 6, data size 49, checksum 3233 <15>Aug 9 07:16:19 hgate[8366]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_FINISHED, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <75>Aug 9 07:17:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 1061 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 07:17:16 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 209840 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 215035 us <14>Aug 9 07:17:16 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 368 <14>Aug 9 07:17:17 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 368 <15>Aug 9 07:17:39 hacc[9276]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 1017854146 pkt too long 612520 <15>Aug 9 07:17:39 hacc[9276]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 07:17:40 hacc[9276]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1017854145 pkt too long 717700 <15>Aug 9 07:17:40 hacc[9276]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <75>Aug 9 07:18:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 3639 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 07:18:05 hproxy[9257]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 07:18:05 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:17008, sock_fd: 3 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <14>Aug 9 07:18:17 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 1, server rsp: 1; domain test cost 217820 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 288340 us <14>Aug 9 07:18:17 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 369 <14>Aug 9 07:18:18 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 369 <75>Aug 9 07:19:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 6215 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 07:19:18 hproxy[9257]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(7496, 7467, 75141783), udp(7497, 7496, 0), udp-cloud(1072, 1072, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 07:19:18 hproxy[9257]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:0 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 07:19:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 0, light_cnt, 2238, channel number, 3 <15>Aug 9 07:19:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 07:19:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 3748:0:0:0:0:0 11202:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 17054 <15>Aug 9 07:19:18 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 07:19:18 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want010 <15>Aug 9 07:19:18 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 1 <15>Aug 9 07:19:18 hgate[8366]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 2144724000, Ssid -, Length 16, Flags 1887426020 ] <15>Aug 9 07:19:18 hgate[8366]: prepare to dig with KR0016070022, mode 1, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 07:19:18 hgate[8366]: Use tcp crypto, fd 6, data size 61, checksum 1899 <15>Aug 9 07:19:18 hgate[8366]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <14>Aug 9 07:19:18 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 1061080 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 245160 us <14>Aug 9 07:19:18 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 370 <15>Aug 9 07:19:18 hgate[8366]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 18172112, Ssid w , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:19:18 hgate[8366]: start diging! flow_num 4073303, dig_request_value 101, peerssid KR0016070022. <14>Aug 9 07:19:19 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 370 <15>Aug 9 07:19:19 hgate[8366]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 07:19:19 hgate[8366]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 07:19:19 hgate[8366]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 07:19:19 hgate[8366]: dont dig udp hole this time. 1 <15>Aug 9 07:19:19 hgate[8366]: Use tcp crypto, fd 6, data size 255, checksum 6507 <15>Aug 9 07:19:19 hgate[8366]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:19:19 hgate[8366]: send dig info! flow num 4073303 <15>Aug 9 07:19:19 hgate[8366]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0016070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:19:19 hgate[6954]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 07:19:19 hgate[6954]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 6954 ] <15>Aug 9 07:19:19 hgate[6954]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 45888 ] <15>Aug 9 07:19:19 hgate[6954]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:19:19 hgate[6954]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 07:19:19 hgate[6954]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 38597 ] <15>Aug 9 07:19:19 hgate[6954]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 38597 ] <15>Aug 9 07:19:19 hgate[6954]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:19:19 hgate[6954]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 07:19:19 hgate[6954]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 07:19:19 hgate[6954]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 07:19:19 hproxy[8476]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0016070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <75>Aug 9 07:20:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 8830 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 07:20:19 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 225960 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 234445 us <14>Aug 9 07:20:19 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 371 <14>Aug 9 07:20:20 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 371 <75>Aug 9 07:21:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 11540 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 07:21:10 hacc[9276]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1017855163 pkt too long 549260 <15>Aug 9 07:21:10 hacc[9276]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <14>Aug 9 07:21:20 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 1, server rsp: 1; domain test cost 225540 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 251470 us <14>Aug 9 07:21:20 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 372 <14>Aug 9 07:21:21 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 372 <75>Aug 9 07:22:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 14132 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 07:22:18 hproxy[9257]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(7556, 7527, 76178405), udp(7557, 7556, 0), udp-cloud(1080, 1080, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 07:22:18 hproxy[9257]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:0 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 07:22:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 0, light_cnt, 2256, channel number, 3 <15>Aug 9 07:22:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 07:22:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 3748:0:0:0:0:0 11202:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 17156 <15>Aug 9 07:22:18 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 07:22:18 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want010 <15>Aug 9 07:22:18 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 1 <15>Aug 9 07:22:18 hgate[8366]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 2144724000, Ssid -, Length 16, Flags 1887426020 ] <15>Aug 9 07:22:18 hgate[8366]: prepare to dig with KR0016070022, mode 1, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 07:22:18 hgate[8366]: Use tcp crypto, fd 6, data size 61, checksum 1899 <15>Aug 9 07:22:18 hgate[8366]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <14>Aug 9 07:22:21 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 1, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 801140 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 175910 us <14>Aug 9 07:22:21 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 373 <14>Aug 9 07:22:22 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 373 <11>Aug 9 07:22:24 hgate[8366]: Heart break:sync_seq 1136 <15>Aug 9 07:22:24 hgate[8366]: Use tcp crypto, fd 6, data size 49, checksum 2235 <15>Aug 9 07:22:24 hgate[8366]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_STATUS, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:22:24 hgate[8366]: close client 7 <15>Aug 9 07:22:24 hproxy[8476]: Recv EOF <15>Aug 9 07:22:24 hproxy[8476]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Return CLOSED ] <11>Aug 9 07:22:24 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:820:] unix link error :0. <15>Aug 9 07:22:24 hgate[8366]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 11 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:22:24 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:598:] damon link broken!!! <15>Aug 9 07:22:25 hproxy[9257]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 07:22:25 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:17158, sock_fd: 14 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 07:22:34 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:729:] re-conn daemon in time out. <15>Aug 9 07:22:34 hproxy[8476]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:22:34 hproxy[8476]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 07:22:35 hgate[8366]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:22:35 hgate[8366]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:22:45 hgate[8366]: tcp client! [6] <12>Aug 9 07:22:50 hproxy[8476]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:22:50 hproxy[8476]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:22:50 hproxy[8476]: close socket! <15>Aug 9 07:22:50 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:598:] damon link broken!!! <15>Aug 9 07:22:52 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:729:] re-conn daemon in time out. <15>Aug 9 07:22:52 hproxy[8476]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:22:52 hproxy[8476]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:22:54 hgate[8366]: lw ssl link cannot get welcome information from server <14>Aug 9 07:22:54 hgate[8366]: Initialize connection: [] <75>Aug 9 07:23:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 16825 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <12>Aug 9 07:23:07 hproxy[8476]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:23:07 hproxy[8476]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:23:07 hproxy[8476]: close socket! <15>Aug 9 07:23:07 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:598:] damon link broken!!! <15>Aug 9 07:23:09 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:729:] re-conn daemon in time out. <15>Aug 9 07:23:09 hproxy[8476]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:23:09 hproxy[8476]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:23:09 hgate[8366]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:23:09 hgate[8366]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:23:09 hgate[8366]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:23:09 hgate[8366]: Initialize connection: [] <14>Aug 9 07:23:22 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 1; domain test cost 206700 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 219580 us <14>Aug 9 07:23:22 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 374 <14>Aug 9 07:23:23 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 374 <12>Aug 9 07:23:24 hproxy[8476]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:23:24 hproxy[8476]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:23:24 hproxy[8476]: close socket! <15>Aug 9 07:23:24 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:598:] damon link broken!!! <12>Aug 9 07:23:24 hgate[8366]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:23:24 hgate[8366]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:23:24 hgate[8366]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:23:24 hgate[8366]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:23:26 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:729:] re-conn daemon in time out. <15>Aug 9 07:23:26 hproxy[8476]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:23:26 hproxy[8476]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:23:39 hgate[8366]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:23:39 hgate[8366]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:23:39 hgate[8366]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:23:39 hgate[8366]: Initialize connection: [] <12>Aug 9 07:23:41 hproxy[8476]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:23:41 hproxy[8476]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:23:41 hproxy[8476]: close socket! <15>Aug 9 07:23:41 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:598:] damon link broken!!! <15>Aug 9 07:23:43 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:729:] re-conn daemon in time out. <15>Aug 9 07:23:43 hproxy[8476]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:23:43 hproxy[8476]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:23:54 hgate[8366]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:23:54 hgate[8366]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:23:54 hgate[8366]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <12>Aug 9 07:23:54 hgate[8366]: cant connect to cloud! errno 2 <11>Aug 9 07:23:54 hgate[8366]: Init cloud connection failure <15>Aug 9 07:23:54 hgate[8366]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 8 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:23:54 hgate[8366]: peer sock is 6 <15>Aug 9 07:23:54 hgate[8366]: peer sock is 6 <15>Aug 9 07:23:54 hgate[8366]: peer sock is 6 <15>Aug 9 07:23:54 hgate[8366]: peer sock is 6 <15>Aug 9 07:23:54 hgate[8366]: peer sock is 6 <11>Aug 9 07:23:54 hproxy[8476]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:23:54 hproxy[8476]: recvfrom(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:23:54 hproxy[8476]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Return ERROR ] <15>Aug 9 07:23:54 hproxy[8476]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:23:56 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:729:] re-conn daemon in time out. <15>Aug 9 07:23:56 hproxy[8476]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:23:56 hproxy[8476]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <75>Aug 9 07:24:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 19352 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 07:24:02 hgate[8366]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:24:02 hgate[8366]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 07:24:11 hproxy[8476]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:24:11 hproxy[8476]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:24:11 hproxy[8476]: close socket! <15>Aug 9 07:24:11 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:598:] damon link broken!!! <15>Aug 9 07:24:13 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:729:] re-conn daemon in time out. <15>Aug 9 07:24:13 hproxy[8476]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:24:13 hproxy[8476]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:24:20 hgate[8366]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:24:20 hgate[8366]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:24:20 hgate[8366]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:24:20 hgate[8366]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:24:20 hgate[8366]: lw ssl link connct to <14>Aug 9 07:24:23 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 221640 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 161070 us <14>Aug 9 07:24:23 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 375 <14>Aug 9 07:24:24 hdns[8556]: domain test, client receive count: 375 <12>Aug 9 07:24:28 hproxy[8476]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:24:28 hproxy[8476]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:24:28 hproxy[8476]: close socket! <15>Aug 9 07:24:28 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:598:] damon link broken!!! <15>Aug 9 07:24:30 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:729:] re-conn daemon in time out. <15>Aug 9 07:24:30 hproxy[8476]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:24:30 hproxy[8476]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:24:44 hgate[8366]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:24:44 hgate[8366]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:24:44 hgate[8366]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:24:44 hgate[8366]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:24:44 hgate[8366]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 07:24:45 hproxy[8476]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:24:45 hproxy[8476]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:24:45 hproxy[8476]: close socket! <15>Aug 9 07:24:45 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:598:] damon link broken!!! <15>Aug 9 07:24:45 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:1179:] not dead. 38 <15>Aug 9 07:24:47 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:729:] re-conn daemon in time out. <15>Aug 9 07:24:47 hproxy[8476]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:24:47 hproxy[8476]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:24:59 hgate[8366]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:24:59 hgate[8366]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:24:59 hgate[8366]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:24:59 hgate[8366]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:24:59 hgate[8366]: lw ssl link connct to <75>Aug 9 07:25:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 22045 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <12>Aug 9 07:25:02 hproxy[8476]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:25:02 hproxy[8476]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:25:02 hproxy[8476]: close socket! <15>Aug 9 07:25:02 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:598:] damon link broken!!! <15>Aug 9 07:25:04 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:729:] re-conn daemon in time out. <15>Aug 9 07:25:04 hproxy[8476]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:25:04 hproxy[8476]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:25:15 hgate[8366]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:25:15 hgate[8366]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:25:15 hgate[8366]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:25:15 hgate[8366]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:25:15 hgate[8366]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:25:18 hproxy[9257]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(7616, 7586, 76183407), udp(7617, 7616, 0), udp-cloud(1089, 1089, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 07:25:18 hproxy[9257]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:0 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 07:25:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 0, light_cnt, 2274, channel number, 3 <15>Aug 9 07:25:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 07:25:18 hproxy[9257]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 3748:0:0:0:0:0 11202:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 17246 <12>Aug 9 07:25:19 hproxy[8476]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:25:19 hproxy[8476]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:25:19 hproxy[8476]: close socket! <15>Aug 9 07:25:19 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:598:] damon link broken!!! <15>Aug 9 07:25:19 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 07:25:19 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want010 <11>Aug 9 07:25:19 hproxy[8476]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:25:19 hproxy[8476]: fcntl: No such file or directory <11>Aug 9 07:25:19 hproxy[8476]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:25:19 hproxy[8476]: fcntl: No such file or directory <11>Aug 9 07:25:19 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:769:] failed to dig hole 1 <15>Aug 9 07:25:19 hacc[9524]: |close|<957>|close sock 230161738 <15>Aug 9 07:25:19 hacc[9276]: |close|<957>|close sock 230161738 <15>Aug 9 07:25:19 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:322:] peer ssid KR0016070022 son process exit, pid 9257 wait all son process. <15>Aug 9 07:25:19 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:337:] retval 9257 status 9 <15>Aug 9 07:25:19 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:333:] rev val -1 <15>Aug 9 07:25:19 hproxy[8476]: [system_initializer.cc:257:] All the sub processes are quit, re-register. <15>Aug 9 07:25:19 hproxy[8476]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:25:19 hproxy[8476]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <14>Aug 9 07:25:24 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 5, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 185540 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 175330 us <14>Aug 9 07:25:24 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 376 <11>Aug 9 07:25:24 hdns[8556]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:25:33 hgate[8366]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:25:33 hgate[8366]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:25:33 hgate[8366]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:25:33 hgate[8366]: Initialize connection: [] <12>Aug 9 07:25:34 hproxy[8476]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:25:34 hproxy[8476]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:25:34 hproxy[8476]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:25:34 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:25:34 hproxy[8476]: [system_initializer.cc:263:] re-register Failure <11>Aug 9 07:25:42 hmonitor[8268]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 22960260, last heart beat is 22859940, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:25:42 hmonitor[8268]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <15>Aug 9 07:25:44 hmonitor[8268]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:25:44 hmonitor[8268]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 23981 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <15>Aug 9 07:25:45 hproxy[8476]: connect err. 2 <11>Aug 9 07:25:45 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:25:45 hproxy[8476]: [system_initializer.cc:263:] re-register Failure <14>Aug 9 07:25:45 hgate[23981]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:25:45 hgate[23981]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:25:45 hgate[23981]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:25:45 hgate[23981]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:25:45 hgate[23981]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:25:45 hgate[23981]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:25:45 hgate[23981]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:25:45 hgate[23981]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:25:45 hmonitor[8268]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 07:25:45 hgate[23981]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:25:45 hgate[23981]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:25:45 hgate[23981]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:25:45 hgate[23981]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:25:45 hgate[23981]: get cloud proxy server succeed! <15>Aug 9 07:25:45 hgate[23981]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:25:45 hgate[23981]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:25:45 hgate[23981]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:25:55 hproxy[8476]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:25:55 hproxy[8476]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:26:01 hgate[23981]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:26:01 hgate[23981]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:26:01 hgate[23981]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:26:01 hgate[23981]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:26:01 hgate[23981]: lw ssl link connct to <75>Aug 9 07:26:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 24732 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <12>Aug 9 07:26:10 hproxy[8476]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:26:10 hproxy[8476]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:26:10 hproxy[8476]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:26:10 hproxy[8476]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:26:10 hproxy[8476]: [system_initializer.cc:263:] re-register Failure <12>Aug 9 07:26:16 hgate[23981]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:26:16 hgate[23981]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:26:16 hgate[23981]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:26:16 hgate[23981]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:26:16 hgate[23981]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:26:20 hproxy[8476]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:26:20 hproxy[8476]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:26:25 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 78, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:26:25 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 377 <11>Aug 9 07:26:25 hdns[8556]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <11>Aug 9 07:26:30 hmonitor[8268]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 23007848, last heart beat is 22937078, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:26:30 hmonitor[8268]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <12>Aug 9 07:26:40 hgate[23981]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:26:40 hgate[23981]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:26:40 hgate[23981]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:26:40 hgate[23981]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:26:40 hgate[23981]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:26:50 hmonitor[8268]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:26:50 hmonitor[8268]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 26875 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:26:50 hproxy[26875]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:26:50 hproxy[26875]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:26:50 hmonitor[8268]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:26:50 hproxy[26875]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:26:50 hproxy[26875]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:26:55 hgate[23981]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:26:55 hgate[23981]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:26:55 hgate[23981]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:26:55 hgate[23981]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:26:55 hgate[23981]: Initialize connection: [] <75>Aug 9 07:27:02 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 27374 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <12>Aug 9 07:27:05 hproxy[26875]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:27:05 hproxy[26875]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:27:05 hproxy[26875]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:27:05 hproxy[26875]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:27:13 hgate[23981]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:27:13 hgate[23981]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:27:13 hgate[23981]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:27:13 hgate[23981]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:27:15 hproxy[26875]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:27:15 hproxy[26875]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:27:25 hmonitor[8268]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 23063336, last heart beat is 22962489, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:27:25 hmonitor[8268]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <11>Aug 9 07:27:25 hproxy[26875]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:27:25 hproxy[26875]: recvfrom(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:27:25 hproxy[26875]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Return ERROR ] <15>Aug 9 07:27:25 hproxy[26875]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:27:25 hproxy[26875]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:27:25 hproxy[26875]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:27:26 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 66, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:27:26 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 378 <11>Aug 9 07:27:26 hdns[8556]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <15>Aug 9 07:27:27 hmonitor[8268]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:27:27 hmonitor[8268]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 28595 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:27:28 hgate[28595]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:27:28 hgate[28595]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:27:28 hgate[28595]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:27:28 hgate[28595]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:27:28 hgate[28595]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:27:28 hgate[28595]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:27:28 hgate[28595]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:27:28 hgate[28595]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:27:28 hmonitor[8268]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 07:27:28 hgate[28595]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:27:28 hgate[28595]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:27:28 hgate[28595]: cloud proxy server is: <15>Aug 9 07:27:28 hgate[28595]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:27:28 hgate[28595]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:27:28 hgate[28595]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:27:35 hproxy[26875]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:27:35 hproxy[26875]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:27:43 hgate[28595]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:27:43 hgate[28595]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:27:43 hgate[28595]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:27:43 hgate[28595]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:27:43 hgate[28595]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 07:27:50 hproxy[26875]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:27:50 hproxy[26875]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:27:50 hproxy[26875]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:27:50 hproxy[26875]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:27:58 hgate[28595]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:27:58 hgate[28595]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:27:58 hgate[28595]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:27:58 hgate[28595]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:27:58 hgate[28595]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:28:00 hproxy[26875]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:28:00 hproxy[26875]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <75>Aug 9 07:28:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 29913 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <11>Aug 9 07:28:01 hmonitor[8268]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 23098824, last heart beat is 23028058, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:28:01 hmonitor[8268]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <12>Aug 9 07:28:13 hgate[28595]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:28:13 hgate[28595]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:28:13 hgate[28595]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:28:13 hgate[28595]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:28:13 hgate[28595]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:28:21 hmonitor[8268]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:28:21 hmonitor[8268]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 30958 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:28:21 hproxy[30958]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:28:21 hproxy[30958]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:28:21 hmonitor[8268]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:28:21 hproxy[30958]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:28:21 hproxy[30958]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:28:27 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 53, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:28:27 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 379 <11>Aug 9 07:28:27 hdns[8556]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:28:36 hproxy[30958]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:28:36 hproxy[30958]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:28:36 hproxy[30958]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:28:36 hproxy[30958]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:28:37 hgate[28595]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:28:37 hgate[28595]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:28:37 hgate[28595]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:28:37 hgate[28595]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:28:37 hgate[28595]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:28:46 hproxy[30958]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:28:46 hproxy[30958]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:28:52 hgate[28595]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:28:52 hgate[28595]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:28:52 hgate[28595]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:28:52 hgate[28595]: Initialize connection: [] <75>Aug 9 07:29:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 32555 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <12>Aug 9 07:29:01 hproxy[30958]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:29:01 hproxy[30958]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:29:01 hproxy[30958]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:29:01 hproxy[30958]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:29:07 hgate[28595]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:29:07 hgate[28595]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:29:07 hgate[28595]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:29:07 hgate[28595]: Initialize connection: [] <11>Aug 9 07:29:08 hmonitor[8268]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 23166408, last heart beat is 23065562, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:29:08 hmonitor[8268]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <15>Aug 9 07:29:11 hmonitor[8268]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:29:11 hmonitor[8268]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 604 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:29:11 hgate[604]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:29:11 hgate[604]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:29:11 hgate[604]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:29:11 hgate[604]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:29:11 hgate[604]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:29:11 hgate[604]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:29:11 hgate[604]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:29:11 hgate[604]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:29:11 hmonitor[8268]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 07:29:11 hgate[604]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:29:11 hgate[604]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:29:11 hgate[604]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:29:11 hgate[604]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:29:11 hgate[604]: get cloud proxy server succeed! <15>Aug 9 07:29:11 hgate[604]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:29:11 hgate[604]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:29:11 hgate[604]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:29:11 hproxy[30958]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:29:11 hproxy[30958]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:29:26 hgate[604]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:29:26 hgate[604]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:29:26 hgate[604]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:29:26 hgate[604]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:29:26 hgate[604]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 07:29:26 hproxy[30958]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:29:26 hproxy[30958]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:29:26 hproxy[30958]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:29:26 hproxy[30958]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:29:28 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 46, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:29:28 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 380 <11>Aug 9 07:29:28 hdns[8556]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <11>Aug 9 07:29:32 hmonitor[8268]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 23189808, last heart beat is 23119033, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:29:32 hmonitor[8268]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <12>Aug 9 07:29:41 hgate[604]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:29:41 hgate[604]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:29:41 hgate[604]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:29:41 hgate[604]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:29:41 hgate[604]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:29:52 hmonitor[8268]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:29:52 hmonitor[8268]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 2418 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:29:52 hproxy[2418]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:29:52 hproxy[2418]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:29:52 hmonitor[8268]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:29:52 hproxy[2418]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:29:52 hproxy[2418]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:29:56 hgate[604]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:29:56 hgate[604]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:29:56 hgate[604]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:29:56 hgate[604]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:29:56 hgate[604]: lw ssl link connct to <75>Aug 9 07:30:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 2784 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <12>Aug 9 07:30:07 hproxy[2418]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:30:07 hproxy[2418]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:30:07 hproxy[2418]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:30:07 hproxy[2418]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:30:11 hgate[604]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:30:11 hgate[604]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:30:11 hgate[604]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:30:11 hgate[604]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:30:11 hgate[604]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:30:17 hproxy[2418]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:30:17 hproxy[2418]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:30:29 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 141, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:30:29 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 381 <11>Aug 9 07:30:29 hdns[8556]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:30:32 hproxy[2418]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:30:32 hproxy[2418]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:30:32 hproxy[2418]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:30:32 hproxy[2418]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:30:35 hgate[604]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:30:35 hgate[604]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:30:35 hgate[604]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:30:35 hgate[604]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:30:42 hproxy[2418]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:30:42 hproxy[2418]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:30:50 hgate[604]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:30:50 hgate[604]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:30:50 hgate[604]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:30:50 hgate[604]: Initialize connection: [] <11>Aug 9 07:30:52 hmonitor[8268]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 23269488, last heart beat is 23168641, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:30:52 hmonitor[8268]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <11>Aug 9 07:30:52 hproxy[2418]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:30:52 hproxy[2418]: recvfrom(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:30:52 hproxy[2418]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Return ERROR ] <15>Aug 9 07:30:52 hproxy[2418]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:30:52 hproxy[2418]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:30:52 hproxy[2418]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 07:30:54 hmonitor[8268]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:30:54 hmonitor[8268]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 5076 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:30:54 hgate[5076]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:30:54 hgate[5076]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:30:54 hgate[5076]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:30:54 hgate[5076]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:30:54 hgate[5076]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:30:54 hgate[5076]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:30:54 hgate[5076]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:30:54 hgate[5076]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:30:54 hmonitor[8268]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 07:30:54 hgate[5076]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:30:54 hgate[5076]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:30:54 hgate[5076]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:30:54 hgate[5076]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:30:54 hgate[5076]: get cloud proxy server succeed! <15>Aug 9 07:30:54 hgate[5076]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:30:54 hgate[5076]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:30:54 hgate[5076]: lw ssl link connct to <75>Aug 9 07:31:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 5456 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 07:31:02 hproxy[2418]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:31:02 hproxy[2418]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:31:03 hmonitor[8268]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 23280788, last heart beat is 23210017, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:31:03 hmonitor[8268]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <11>Aug 9 07:31:09 hgate[5076]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:31:09 hgate[5076]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:31:09 hgate[5076]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:31:09 hgate[5076]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:31:09 hgate[5076]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:31:23 hmonitor[8268]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:31:23 hmonitor[8268]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 6383 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:31:23 hproxy[6383]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:31:23 hproxy[6383]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:31:23 hmonitor[8268]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:31:23 hproxy[6383]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:31:23 hproxy[6383]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:31:24 hgate[5076]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:31:24 hgate[5076]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:31:24 hgate[5076]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:31:24 hgate[5076]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:31:24 hgate[5076]: lw ssl link connct to <11>Aug 9 07:31:30 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 55, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:31:30 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 382 <11>Aug 9 07:31:30 hdns[8556]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:31:38 hproxy[6383]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:31:38 hproxy[6383]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:31:38 hproxy[6383]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:31:38 hproxy[6383]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:31:39 hgate[5076]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:31:39 hgate[5076]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:31:39 hgate[5076]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:31:39 hgate[5076]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:31:39 hgate[5076]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:31:48 hproxy[6383]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:31:48 hproxy[6383]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:31:57 hgate[5076]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:31:57 hgate[5076]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:31:57 hgate[5076]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:31:57 hgate[5076]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:31:57 hgate[5076]: Initialize connection: [] <75>Aug 9 07:32:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 7980 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <12>Aug 9 07:32:03 hproxy[6383]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:32:03 hproxy[6383]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:32:03 hproxy[6383]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:32:03 hproxy[6383]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:32:12 hgate[5076]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:32:12 hgate[5076]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:32:12 hgate[5076]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:32:12 hgate[5076]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:32:13 hproxy[6383]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:32:13 hproxy[6383]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:32:27 hgate[5076]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:32:27 hgate[5076]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:32:27 hgate[5076]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:32:27 hgate[5076]: Initialize connection: [] <12>Aug 9 07:32:28 hproxy[6383]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:32:28 hproxy[6383]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:32:28 hproxy[6383]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:32:28 hproxy[6383]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:32:31 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 40, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:32:31 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 383 <11>Aug 9 07:32:31 hdns[8556]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <11>Aug 9 07:32:34 hmonitor[8268]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 23371556, last heart beat is 23300997, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:32:34 hmonitor[8268]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <11>Aug 9 07:32:35 hmonitor[8268]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 23372564, last heart beat is 23271717, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:32:35 hmonitor[8268]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <15>Aug 9 07:32:37 hmonitor[8268]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:32:37 hmonitor[8268]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 9603 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:32:37 hgate[9603]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:32:37 hgate[9603]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:32:37 hgate[9603]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:32:37 hgate[9603]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:32:37 hgate[9603]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:32:37 hgate[9603]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:32:37 hgate[9603]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:32:37 hgate[9603]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:32:37 hmonitor[8268]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 07:32:37 hgate[9603]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:32:37 hgate[9603]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:32:37 hgate[9603]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:32:37 hgate[9603]: cloud proxy server is: <15>Aug 9 07:32:37 hgate[9603]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:32:37 hgate[9603]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:32:37 hgate[9603]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:32:54 hmonitor[8268]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:32:54 hmonitor[8268]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 10466 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:32:54 hproxy[10466]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:32:54 hproxy[10466]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:32:54 hmonitor[8268]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:32:54 hproxy[10466]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:32:54 hproxy[10466]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:32:56 hgate[9603]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:32:56 hgate[9603]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:32:56 hgate[9603]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:32:56 hgate[9603]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:32:56 hgate[9603]: lw ssl link connct to <75>Aug 9 07:33:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 10684 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <12>Aug 9 07:33:09 hproxy[10466]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:33:09 hproxy[10466]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:33:09 hproxy[10466]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:33:09 hproxy[10466]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:33:11 hgate[9603]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:33:11 hgate[9603]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:33:11 hgate[9603]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:33:11 hgate[9603]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:33:11 hgate[9603]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:33:19 hproxy[10466]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:33:19 hproxy[10466]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:33:26 hgate[9603]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:33:26 hgate[9603]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:33:26 hgate[9603]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:33:26 hgate[9603]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:33:26 hgate[9603]: lw ssl link connct to <11>Aug 9 07:33:32 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 52, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:33:32 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 384 <11>Aug 9 07:33:32 hdns[8556]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:33:34 hproxy[10466]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:33:34 hproxy[10466]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:33:34 hproxy[10466]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:33:34 hproxy[10466]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:33:41 hgate[9603]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:33:41 hgate[9603]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:33:41 hgate[9603]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:33:41 hgate[9603]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:33:41 hgate[9603]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:33:44 hproxy[10466]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:33:44 hproxy[10466]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:33:56 hgate[9603]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:33:56 hgate[9603]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:33:56 hgate[9603]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:33:56 hgate[9603]: Initialize connection: [] <12>Aug 9 07:33:59 hproxy[10466]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:33:59 hproxy[10466]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:33:59 hproxy[10466]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:33:59 hproxy[10466]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <75>Aug 9 07:34:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 13321 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <11>Aug 9 07:34:05 hmonitor[8268]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 23462796, last heart beat is 23392238, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:34:05 hmonitor[8268]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <12>Aug 9 07:34:11 hgate[9603]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:34:11 hgate[9603]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:34:11 hgate[9603]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:34:11 hgate[9603]: Initialize connection: [] <11>Aug 9 07:34:18 hmonitor[8268]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 23475900, last heart beat is 23375054, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:34:18 hmonitor[8268]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <15>Aug 9 07:34:20 hmonitor[8268]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:34:20 hmonitor[8268]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 14219 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:34:20 hgate[14219]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:34:20 hgate[14219]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:34:20 hgate[14219]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:34:20 hgate[14219]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:34:20 hgate[14219]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:34:20 hgate[14219]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:34:20 hgate[14219]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:34:20 hgate[14219]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:34:20 hmonitor[8268]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 07:34:20 hgate[14219]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:34:20 hgate[14219]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:34:20 hgate[14219]: cloud proxy server is: <15>Aug 9 07:34:20 hgate[14219]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:34:20 hgate[14219]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:34:20 hgate[14219]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:34:25 hmonitor[8268]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:34:25 hmonitor[8268]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 14458 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:34:25 hproxy[14458]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:34:25 hproxy[14458]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:34:25 hmonitor[8268]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:34:25 hproxy[14458]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:34:25 hproxy[14458]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:34:33 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 14, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:34:33 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 385 <11>Aug 9 07:34:33 hdns[8556]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <11>Aug 9 07:34:35 hgate[14219]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:34:35 hgate[14219]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:34:35 hgate[14219]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:34:35 hgate[14219]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:34:35 hgate[14219]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 07:34:40 hproxy[14458]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:34:40 hproxy[14458]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:34:40 hproxy[14458]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:34:40 hproxy[14458]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 07:34:50 hproxy[14458]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:34:50 hproxy[14458]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:34:53 hgate[14219]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:34:53 hgate[14219]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:34:53 hgate[14219]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:34:53 hgate[14219]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:34:53 hgate[14219]: lw ssl link connct to <75>Aug 9 07:35:01 crond[7501]: USER admin pid 15998 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <12>Aug 9 07:35:05 hproxy[14458]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:35:05 hproxy[14458]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:35:05 hproxy[14458]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:35:05 hproxy[14458]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:35:08 hgate[14219]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:35:08 hgate[14219]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:35:08 hgate[14219]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:35:08 hgate[14219]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:35:08 hgate[14219]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:35:15 hproxy[14458]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:35:15 hproxy[14458]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:35:27 hgate[14219]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:35:27 hgate[14219]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:35:27 hgate[14219]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:35:27 hgate[14219]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:35:27 hgate[14219]: Initialize connection: [] <12>Aug 9 07:35:30 hproxy[14458]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:35:30 hproxy[14458]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:35:30 hproxy[14458]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:35:30 hproxy[14458]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:35:34 hdns[8556]: 60s: user req: 39, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:35:34 hdns[8556]: domain test, client send count: 386 <11>Aug 9 07:35:34 hdns[8556]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <11>Aug 9 07:35:36 hmonitor[8268]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 23553848, last heart beat is 23483288, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:35:36 hmonitor[8268]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <12>Aug 9 07:35:42 hgate[14219]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:35:42 hgate[14219]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:35:42 hgate[14219]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:35:42 hgate[14219]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:37:09 hacc[8343]: hacc start, version 1.55. crypto switch off. <15>Aug 9 07:37:09 hacc[8343]: dont need open flow log. <14>Aug 9 07:37:09 hmonitor[8277]: before hgate start, delay 0 ms. {hmonitor.cpp:89} <15>Aug 9 07:37:09 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:37:10 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 8355 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:37:10 htunnel[8313]: register to server succeed <14>Aug 9 07:37:11 hgate[8355]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:37:11 hgate[8355]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:37:11 hgate[8355]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:37:11 hgate[8355]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:37:11 hgate[8355]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:37:11 hgate[8355]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:37:11 hgate[8355]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:37:11 hgate[8355]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:37:11 hgate[8355]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:37:11 hgate[8355]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:37:11 hgate[8355]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:37:11 hgate[8355]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:37:11 hgate[8355]: get cloud proxy server succeed! <14>Aug 9 07:37:11 hmonitor[8277]: before hproxy start, delay 2000 ms. {hmonitor.cpp:89} <15>Aug 9 07:37:11 hgate[8355]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:37:11 hgate[8355]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:37:11 hgate[8355]: lw ssl link connct to <14>Aug 9 07:37:13 hdns[7849]: client_manager::_load_config reload config file! <14>Aug 9 07:37:13 hdns[7849]: receiver close connection! <11>Aug 9 07:37:13 hdns[7849]: receiver::_handle_read error: -2147483645 <14>Aug 9 07:37:13 hdns[7849]: client_manager::_load_config reload config file! <15>Aug 9 07:37:13 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:37:13 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 8796 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:37:14 hproxy[8796]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:37:14 hproxy[8796]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:37:14 hmonitor[8277]: before hdns start, delay 0 ms. {hmonitor.cpp:89} <15>Aug 9 07:37:14 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hdns_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <15>Aug 9 07:37:14 hproxy[8796]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:37:14 hproxy[8796]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <14>Aug 9 07:37:14 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hdns, pid is 8804 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:37:14 hmonitor[8277]: start all process! version 1.99. {hmonitor.cpp:143} <14>Aug 9 07:37:14 hdns[8804]: ssid f6316b180000, dnsip <14>Aug 9 07:37:14 hdns[8804]: parse resolv.conf file <14>Aug 9 07:37:14 hdns[8804]: resolv.conf changed, clear all DNS server <14>Aug 9 07:37:14 hdns[8804]: add new DNS server: <14>Aug 9 07:37:14 hdns[8804]: add new DNS server: <14>Aug 9 07:37:14 hdns[8804]: 2 DNS server(s) exist:,, <14>Aug 9 07:37:14 hdns[8804]: add new DNS server: <14>Aug 9 07:37:14 hdns[8804]: initial hdns server service! <14>Aug 9 07:37:14 hdns[8804]: wireless gateway ip is: <14>Aug 9 07:37:14 hdns[8804]: initial hdns client service! <12>Aug 9 07:37:29 hproxy[8796]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:37:29 hproxy[8796]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:37:29 hproxy[8796]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:37:29 hproxy[8796]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:37:29 hgate[8355]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:37:29 hgate[8355]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:37:29 hgate[8355]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:37:29 hgate[8355]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:37:29 hgate[8355]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:37:39 hproxy[8796]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:37:39 hproxy[8796]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:37:44 hgate[8355]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:37:44 hgate[8355]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:37:44 hgate[8355]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:37:44 hgate[8355]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:37:44 hgate[8355]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 07:37:54 hproxy[8796]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:37:54 hproxy[8796]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:37:54 hproxy[8796]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:37:54 hproxy[8796]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:37:59 hgate[8355]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:37:59 hgate[8355]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:37:59 hgate[8355]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:37:59 hgate[8355]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:37:59 hgate[8355]: lw ssl link connct to <75>Aug 9 07:38:00 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 10788 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 07:38:00 hmwatcher: Device uptime (112 sec) is less than 5 minutes. Quitting checking ... <15>Aug 9 07:38:04 hproxy[8796]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:38:04 hproxy[8796]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:38:14 hgate[8355]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:38:14 hgate[8355]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:38:14 hgate[8355]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:38:14 hgate[8355]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:38:14 hgate[8355]: Initialize connection: [] <11>Aug 9 07:38:15 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 44, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:38:15 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 0 <11>Aug 9 07:38:15 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:38:19 hproxy[8796]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:38:19 hproxy[8796]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:38:19 hproxy[8796]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:38:19 hproxy[8796]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:38:24 hmonitor[8277]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 135564, last heart beat is 65190, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:38:24 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <12>Aug 9 07:38:33 hgate[8355]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:38:33 hgate[8355]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:38:33 hgate[8355]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:38:33 hgate[8355]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:38:44 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:38:44 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 12749 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:38:44 hproxy[12749]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:38:44 hproxy[12749]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:38:44 hmonitor[8277]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:38:44 hproxy[12749]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:38:44 hproxy[12749]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:38:48 hgate[8355]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:38:48 hgate[8355]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:38:48 hgate[8355]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:38:48 hgate[8355]: Initialize connection: [] <11>Aug 9 07:38:51 hmonitor[8277]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 162720, last heart beat is 62482, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:38:51 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <11>Aug 9 07:38:51 hproxy[12749]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:38:51 hproxy[12749]: recvfrom(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:38:51 hproxy[12749]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Return ERROR ] <15>Aug 9 07:38:51 hproxy[12749]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:38:51 hproxy[12749]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:38:51 hproxy[12749]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 07:38:53 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:38:53 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 13211 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:38:53 hgate[13211]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:38:53 hgate[13211]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:38:53 hgate[13211]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:38:53 hgate[13211]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:38:53 hgate[13211]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:38:53 hgate[13211]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:38:53 hgate[13211]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:38:53 hgate[13211]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:38:53 hmonitor[8277]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 07:38:53 hgate[13211]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:38:53 hgate[13211]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:38:53 hgate[13211]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:38:53 hgate[13211]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:38:53 hgate[13211]: get cloud proxy server succeed! <15>Aug 9 07:38:53 hgate[13211]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:38:53 hgate[13211]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:38:53 hgate[13211]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:39:01 hproxy[12749]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:39:01 hproxy[12749]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <75>Aug 9 07:39:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 13489 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 07:39:02 hmwatcher: Device uptime (173 sec) is less than 5 minutes. Quitting checking ... <11>Aug 9 07:39:08 hgate[13211]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:39:08 hgate[13211]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:39:08 hgate[13211]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:39:08 hgate[13211]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:39:08 hgate[13211]: lw ssl link connct to <11>Aug 9 07:39:16 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 153, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:39:16 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 1 <11>Aug 9 07:39:16 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:39:16 hproxy[12749]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:39:16 hproxy[12749]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:39:16 hproxy[12749]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:39:16 hproxy[12749]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 07:39:26 hproxy[12749]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:39:26 hproxy[12749]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:39:32 hgate[13211]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:39:32 hgate[13211]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:39:32 hgate[13211]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:39:32 hgate[13211]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:39:32 hgate[13211]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 07:39:41 hproxy[12749]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:39:41 hproxy[12749]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:39:41 hproxy[12749]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:39:41 hproxy[12749]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:39:47 hgate[13211]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:39:47 hgate[13211]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:39:47 hgate[13211]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:39:47 hgate[13211]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:39:47 hgate[13211]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:39:51 hproxy[12749]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:39:51 hproxy[12749]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:39:55 hmonitor[8277]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 226180, last heart beat is 155693, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:39:55 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <75>Aug 9 07:40:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 16103 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 07:40:01 hmwatcher: Device uptime (233 sec) is less than 5 minutes. Quitting checking ... <12>Aug 9 07:40:03 hgate[13211]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:40:03 hgate[13211]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:40:03 hgate[13211]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:40:03 hgate[13211]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:40:03 hgate[13211]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:40:15 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:40:15 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 16685 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:40:15 hproxy[16685]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:40:15 hproxy[16685]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:40:15 hmonitor[8277]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:40:15 hproxy[16685]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:40:15 hproxy[16685]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:40:17 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 123, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:40:17 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 2 <11>Aug 9 07:40:17 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:40:18 hgate[13211]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:40:18 hgate[13211]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:40:18 hgate[13211]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:40:18 hgate[13211]: Initialize connection: [] <12>Aug 9 07:40:30 hproxy[16685]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:40:30 hproxy[16685]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:40:30 hproxy[16685]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:40:30 hproxy[16685]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:40:33 hgate[13211]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:40:33 hgate[13211]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:40:33 hgate[13211]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:40:33 hgate[13211]: Initialize connection: [] <11>Aug 9 07:40:34 hmonitor[8277]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 265388, last heart beat is 164937, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:40:34 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <15>Aug 9 07:40:36 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:40:36 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 17672 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:40:36 hgate[17672]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:40:36 hgate[17672]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:40:36 hgate[17672]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:40:36 hgate[17672]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:40:36 hgate[17672]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:40:36 hgate[17672]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:40:36 hgate[17672]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:40:36 hgate[17672]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:40:36 hmonitor[8277]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 07:40:36 hgate[17672]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:40:36 hgate[17672]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:40:36 hgate[17672]: cloud proxy server is: <15>Aug 9 07:40:36 hgate[17672]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:40:36 hgate[17672]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:40:36 hgate[17672]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:40:40 hproxy[16685]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:40:40 hproxy[16685]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:40:51 hgate[17672]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:40:51 hgate[17672]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:40:51 hgate[17672]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:40:51 hgate[17672]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:40:51 hgate[17672]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 07:40:55 hproxy[16685]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:40:55 hproxy[16685]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:40:55 hproxy[16685]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:40:55 hproxy[16685]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <75>Aug 9 07:41:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 18773 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 07:41:01 hmwatcher: Device uptime (293 sec) is less than 5 minutes. Quitting checking ... <15>Aug 9 07:41:05 hproxy[16685]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:41:05 hproxy[16685]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:41:09 hgate[17672]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:41:09 hgate[17672]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:41:09 hgate[17672]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:41:09 hgate[17672]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:41:09 hgate[17672]: lw ssl link connct to <11>Aug 9 07:41:18 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 90, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:41:18 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 3 <11>Aug 9 07:41:18 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:41:20 hproxy[16685]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:41:20 hproxy[16685]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:41:20 hproxy[16685]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:41:20 hproxy[16685]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:41:24 hgate[17672]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:41:24 hgate[17672]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:41:24 hgate[17672]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:41:24 hgate[17672]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:41:24 hgate[17672]: lw ssl link connct to <11>Aug 9 07:41:25 hmonitor[8277]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 316804, last heart beat is 246311, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:41:25 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <11>Aug 9 07:41:39 hgate[17672]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:41:39 hgate[17672]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:41:39 hgate[17672]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:41:39 hgate[17672]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:41:39 hgate[17672]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:41:45 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:41:45 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 20734 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:41:45 hproxy[20734]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:41:45 hproxy[20734]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:41:45 hmonitor[8277]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:41:45 hproxy[20734]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:41:45 hproxy[20734]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:41:57 hgate[17672]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:41:57 hgate[17672]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:41:57 hgate[17672]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:41:57 hgate[17672]: Initialize connection: [] <12>Aug 9 07:42:00 hproxy[20734]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:42:00 hproxy[20734]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:42:00 hproxy[20734]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:42:00 hproxy[20734]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <75>Aug 9 07:42:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 21408 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 07:42:10 hproxy[20734]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:42:10 hproxy[20734]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:42:15 hgate[17672]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:42:15 hgate[17672]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:42:15 hgate[17672]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:42:15 hgate[17672]: Initialize connection: [] <11>Aug 9 07:42:16 hmonitor[8277]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 368056, last heart beat is 267606, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:42:16 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <11>Aug 9 07:42:16 hproxy[20734]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:42:16 hproxy[20734]: recvfrom(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:42:16 hproxy[20734]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Return ERROR ] <15>Aug 9 07:42:16 hproxy[20734]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:42:16 hproxy[20734]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:42:16 hproxy[20734]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 07:42:18 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:42:18 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 22146 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:42:19 hgate[22146]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:42:19 hgate[22146]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:42:19 hgate[22146]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:42:19 hgate[22146]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:42:19 hgate[22146]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:42:19 hgate[22146]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:42:19 hgate[22146]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:42:19 hgate[22146]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:42:19 hmonitor[8277]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 07:42:19 hgate[22146]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:42:19 hgate[22146]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:42:19 hgate[22146]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:42:19 hgate[22146]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:42:19 hgate[22146]: get cloud proxy server succeed! <15>Aug 9 07:42:19 hgate[22146]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:42:19 hgate[22146]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:42:19 hgate[22146]: lw ssl link connct to <11>Aug 9 07:42:19 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 54, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:42:19 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 4 <11>Aug 9 07:42:19 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <15>Aug 9 07:42:26 hproxy[20734]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:42:26 hproxy[20734]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:42:41 hproxy[20734]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:42:41 hproxy[20734]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:42:41 hproxy[20734]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:42:41 hproxy[20734]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:42:43 hgate[22146]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:42:43 hgate[22146]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:42:43 hgate[22146]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:42:43 hgate[22146]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:42:43 hgate[22146]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:42:51 hproxy[20734]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:42:51 hproxy[20734]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:42:56 hmonitor[8277]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 407428, last heart beat is 336932, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:42:56 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <12>Aug 9 07:42:58 hgate[22146]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:42:58 hgate[22146]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:42:58 hgate[22146]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:42:58 hgate[22146]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:42:58 hgate[22146]: lw ssl link connct to <75>Aug 9 07:43:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 24095 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 07:43:16 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:43:16 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 24684 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:43:16 hproxy[24684]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:43:16 hproxy[24684]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:43:16 hmonitor[8277]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:43:16 hproxy[24684]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:43:16 hproxy[24684]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:43:20 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 111, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:43:20 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 5 <11>Aug 9 07:43:20 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:43:22 hgate[22146]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:43:22 hgate[22146]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:43:22 hgate[22146]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:43:22 hgate[22146]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:43:22 hgate[22146]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 07:43:31 hproxy[24684]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:43:31 hproxy[24684]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:43:31 hproxy[24684]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:43:31 hproxy[24684]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:43:37 hgate[22146]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:43:37 hgate[22146]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:43:37 hgate[22146]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:43:37 hgate[22146]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:43:37 hgate[22146]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:43:41 hproxy[24684]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:43:41 hproxy[24684]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:43:52 hgate[22146]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:43:52 hgate[22146]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:43:52 hgate[22146]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:43:52 hgate[22146]: Initialize connection: [] <12>Aug 9 07:43:56 hproxy[24684]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:43:56 hproxy[24684]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:43:56 hproxy[24684]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:43:56 hproxy[24684]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:43:59 hmonitor[8277]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 470728, last heart beat is 370281, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:43:59 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <15>Aug 9 07:44:01 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:44:01 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 26609 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:44:01 hgate[26609]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:44:01 hgate[26609]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:44:01 hgate[26609]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:44:01 hgate[26609]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:44:01 hgate[26609]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:44:01 hgate[26609]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:44:01 hgate[26609]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:44:01 hgate[26609]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:44:01 hmonitor[8277]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 07:44:01 hgate[26609]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:44:01 hgate[26609]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:44:01 hgate[26609]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:44:01 hgate[26609]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:44:01 hgate[26609]: get cloud proxy server succeed! <75>Aug 9 07:44:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 26662 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 07:44:01 hgate[26609]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:44:02 hgate[26609]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:44:02 hgate[26609]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:44:06 hproxy[24684]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:44:06 hproxy[24684]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:44:21 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 80, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:44:21 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 6 <11>Aug 9 07:44:21 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:44:21 hproxy[24684]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:44:21 hproxy[24684]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:44:21 hproxy[24684]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:44:21 hproxy[24684]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:44:26 hgate[26609]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:44:26 hgate[26609]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:44:26 hgate[26609]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:44:26 hgate[26609]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:44:26 hgate[26609]: lw ssl link connct to <11>Aug 9 07:44:26 hmonitor[8277]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 498120, last heart beat is 427557, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:44:26 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <12>Aug 9 07:44:41 hgate[26609]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:44:41 hgate[26609]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:44:41 hgate[26609]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:44:41 hgate[26609]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:44:41 hgate[26609]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:44:47 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:44:47 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 28755 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:44:47 hproxy[28755]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:44:47 hproxy[28755]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:44:47 hmonitor[8277]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:44:47 hproxy[28755]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:44:47 hproxy[28755]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:44:56 hgate[26609]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:44:56 hgate[26609]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:44:56 hgate[26609]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:44:56 hgate[26609]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:44:56 hgate[26609]: lw ssl link connct to <75>Aug 9 07:45:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 29281 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <12>Aug 9 07:45:02 hproxy[28755]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:45:02 hproxy[28755]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:45:02 hproxy[28755]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:45:02 hproxy[28755]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:45:11 hgate[26609]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:45:11 hgate[26609]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:45:11 hgate[26609]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:45:11 hgate[26609]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:45:11 hgate[26609]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:45:12 hproxy[28755]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:45:12 hproxy[28755]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:45:22 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 61, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:45:22 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 7 <11>Aug 9 07:45:22 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:45:27 hproxy[28755]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:45:27 hproxy[28755]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:45:27 hproxy[28755]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:45:27 hproxy[28755]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:45:30 hgate[26609]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:45:30 hgate[26609]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:45:30 hgate[26609]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:45:30 hgate[26609]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:45:37 hproxy[28755]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:45:37 hproxy[28755]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:45:42 hmonitor[8277]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 573472, last heart beat is 473021, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:45:42 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <11>Aug 9 07:45:42 hproxy[28755]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:45:42 hproxy[28755]: recvfrom(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:45:42 hproxy[28755]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Return ERROR ] <15>Aug 9 07:45:42 hproxy[28755]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:45:42 hproxy[28755]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:45:42 hproxy[28755]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 07:45:44 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:45:44 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 31223 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:45:44 hgate[31223]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:45:44 hgate[31223]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:45:44 hgate[31223]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:45:44 hgate[31223]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:45:44 hgate[31223]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:45:44 hgate[31223]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:45:44 hgate[31223]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:45:44 hgate[31223]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:45:44 hmonitor[8277]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 07:45:44 hgate[31223]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:45:44 hgate[31223]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:45:44 hgate[31223]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:45:44 hgate[31223]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:45:44 hgate[31223]: get cloud proxy server succeed! <15>Aug 9 07:45:44 hgate[31223]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:45:44 hgate[31223]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:45:44 hgate[31223]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:45:52 hproxy[28755]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:45:52 hproxy[28755]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:45:57 hmonitor[8277]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 588744, last heart beat is 518253, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:45:57 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <11>Aug 9 07:45:59 hgate[31223]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:45:59 hgate[31223]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:45:59 hgate[31223]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:45:59 hgate[31223]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:45:59 hgate[31223]: lw ssl link connct to <75>Aug 9 07:46:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 32001 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <12>Aug 9 07:46:14 hgate[31223]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:46:14 hgate[31223]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:46:14 hgate[31223]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:46:14 hgate[31223]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:46:14 hgate[31223]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:46:17 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:46:17 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 32705 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:46:17 hproxy[32705]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:46:17 hproxy[32705]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:46:17 hmonitor[8277]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:46:17 hproxy[32705]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:46:17 hproxy[32705]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:46:23 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 117, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:46:23 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 8 <11>Aug 9 07:46:23 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:46:29 hgate[31223]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:46:29 hgate[31223]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:46:29 hgate[31223]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:46:29 hgate[31223]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:46:29 hgate[31223]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 07:46:32 hproxy[32705]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:46:32 hproxy[32705]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:46:32 hproxy[32705]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:46:32 hproxy[32705]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 07:46:42 hproxy[32705]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:46:42 hproxy[32705]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:46:47 hgate[31223]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:46:47 hgate[31223]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:46:47 hgate[31223]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:46:47 hgate[31223]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:46:47 hgate[31223]: Initialize connection: [] <12>Aug 9 07:46:57 hproxy[32705]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:46:57 hproxy[32705]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:46:57 hproxy[32705]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:46:57 hproxy[32705]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <75>Aug 9 07:47:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 2180 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 07:47:07 hproxy[32705]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:47:07 hproxy[32705]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:47:12 hgate[31223]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:47:12 hgate[31223]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:47:12 hgate[31223]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:47:12 hgate[31223]: Initialize connection: [] <12>Aug 9 07:47:22 hproxy[32705]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:47:22 hproxy[32705]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:47:22 hproxy[32705]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:47:22 hproxy[32705]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:47:24 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 114, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:47:24 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 9 <11>Aug 9 07:47:24 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <11>Aug 9 07:47:24 hmonitor[8277]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 676140, last heart beat is 575692, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:47:24 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <15>Aug 9 07:47:26 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:47:27 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 3235 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:47:27 hgate[3235]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:47:27 hgate[3235]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:47:27 hgate[3235]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:47:27 hgate[3235]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:47:27 hgate[3235]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:47:27 hgate[3235]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:47:27 hgate[3235]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:47:27 hgate[3235]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:47:27 hmonitor[8277]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 07:47:27 hgate[3235]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:47:27 hgate[3235]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:47:27 hgate[3235]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:47:27 hgate[3235]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:47:27 hgate[3235]: get cloud proxy server succeed! <15>Aug 9 07:47:27 hgate[3235]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:47:27 hgate[3235]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:47:27 hgate[3235]: lw ssl link connct to <11>Aug 9 07:47:28 hmonitor[8277]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 679368, last heart beat is 608873, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:47:28 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <12>Aug 9 07:47:45 hgate[3235]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:47:45 hgate[3235]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:47:45 hgate[3235]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:47:45 hgate[3235]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:47:45 hgate[3235]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:47:48 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:47:48 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 4165 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:47:48 hproxy[4165]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:47:48 hproxy[4165]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:47:48 hmonitor[8277]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:47:48 hproxy[4165]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:47:48 hproxy[4165]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <75>Aug 9 07:48:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 4739 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <12>Aug 9 07:48:03 hproxy[4165]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:48:03 hproxy[4165]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:48:03 hproxy[4165]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:48:03 hproxy[4165]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:48:03 hgate[3235]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:48:03 hgate[3235]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:48:03 hgate[3235]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:48:03 hgate[3235]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:48:03 hgate[3235]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:48:13 hproxy[4165]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:48:13 hproxy[4165]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:48:21 hgate[3235]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:48:21 hgate[3235]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:48:21 hgate[3235]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:48:21 hgate[3235]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:48:21 hgate[3235]: lw ssl link connct to <11>Aug 9 07:48:25 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 75, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:48:25 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 10 <11>Aug 9 07:48:25 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:48:28 hproxy[4165]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:48:28 hproxy[4165]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:48:28 hproxy[4165]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:48:28 hproxy[4165]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:48:36 hgate[3235]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:48:36 hgate[3235]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:48:36 hgate[3235]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:48:36 hgate[3235]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:48:36 hgate[3235]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:48:38 hproxy[4165]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:48:38 hproxy[4165]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:48:51 hgate[3235]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:48:51 hgate[3235]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:48:51 hgate[3235]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:48:51 hgate[3235]: Initialize connection: [] <12>Aug 9 07:48:53 hproxy[4165]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:48:53 hproxy[4165]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:48:53 hproxy[4165]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:48:53 hproxy[4165]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:48:58 hmonitor[8277]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 769776, last heart beat is 699497, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:48:58 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <75>Aug 9 07:49:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 7372 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <12>Aug 9 07:49:06 hgate[3235]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:49:06 hgate[3235]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:49:06 hgate[3235]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:49:06 hgate[3235]: Initialize connection: [] <11>Aug 9 07:49:07 hmonitor[8277]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 778812, last heart beat is 678365, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:49:07 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <15>Aug 9 07:49:09 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:49:09 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 7728 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:49:09 hgate[7728]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:49:09 hgate[7728]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:49:09 hgate[7728]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:49:09 hgate[7728]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:49:09 hgate[7728]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:49:09 hgate[7728]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:49:09 hgate[7728]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:49:09 hgate[7728]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:49:09 hmonitor[8277]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 07:49:09 hgate[7728]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:49:09 hgate[7728]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:49:09 hgate[7728]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:49:09 hgate[7728]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:49:09 hgate[7728]: get cloud proxy server succeed! <15>Aug 9 07:49:09 hgate[7728]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:49:18 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:49:18 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 8145 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:49:18 hproxy[8145]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:49:18 hproxy[8145]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:49:18 hmonitor[8277]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:49:18 hproxy[8145]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:49:18 hproxy[8145]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:49:25 hgate[7728]: Recv timeout: [3] <11>Aug 9 07:49:25 hgate[7728]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:49:25 hgate[7728]: delete_tcp_client, cls [3] <15>Aug 9 07:49:25 hgate[7728]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:49:25 hgate[7728]: lw ssl link connct to <11>Aug 9 07:49:26 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 48, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:49:26 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 11 <11>Aug 9 07:49:26 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:49:33 hproxy[8145]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:49:33 hproxy[8145]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:49:33 hproxy[8145]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:49:33 hproxy[8145]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:49:40 hgate[7728]: Recv timeout: [3] <11>Aug 9 07:49:40 hgate[7728]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:49:40 hgate[7728]: delete_tcp_client, cls [3] <15>Aug 9 07:49:40 hgate[7728]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:49:40 hgate[7728]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:49:43 hproxy[8145]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:49:43 hproxy[8145]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:49:55 hgate[7728]: Recv timeout: [3] <11>Aug 9 07:49:55 hgate[7728]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:49:55 hgate[7728]: delete_tcp_client, cls [3] <15>Aug 9 07:49:55 hgate[7728]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:49:55 hgate[7728]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 07:49:59 hproxy[8145]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:49:59 hproxy[8145]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:49:59 hproxy[8145]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:49:59 hproxy[8145]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <75>Aug 9 07:50:02 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 9954 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 07:50:09 hproxy[8145]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:50:09 hproxy[8145]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:50:10 hgate[7728]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:50:10 hgate[7728]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:50:10 hgate[7728]: delete_tcp_client, cls [3] <15>Aug 9 07:50:10 hgate[7728]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:50:10 hgate[7728]: Initialize connection: [] <12>Aug 9 07:50:24 hproxy[8145]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:50:24 hproxy[8145]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:50:24 hproxy[8145]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:50:24 hproxy[8145]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:50:27 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 76, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:50:27 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 12 <11>Aug 9 07:50:27 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <11>Aug 9 07:50:29 hmonitor[8277]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 860392, last heart beat is 790113, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:50:29 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <12>Aug 9 07:50:29 hgate[7728]: Recv timeout: [3] <11>Aug 9 07:50:29 hgate[7728]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:50:29 hgate[7728]: delete_tcp_client, cls [3] <14>Aug 9 07:50:29 hgate[7728]: Initialize connection: [] <12>Aug 9 07:50:44 hgate[7728]: Recv timeout: [3] <11>Aug 9 07:50:44 hgate[7728]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:50:44 hgate[7728]: delete_tcp_client, cls [3] <14>Aug 9 07:50:44 hgate[7728]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:50:49 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:50:49 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 12031 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:50:49 hproxy[12031]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:50:49 hproxy[12031]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:50:49 hmonitor[8277]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:50:49 hproxy[12031]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:50:49 hproxy[12031]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:50:50 hmonitor[8277]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 881528, last heart beat is 781030, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:50:50 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <11>Aug 9 07:50:50 hproxy[12031]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:50:50 hproxy[12031]: recvfrom(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:50:50 hproxy[12031]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Return ERROR ] <15>Aug 9 07:50:50 hproxy[12031]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:50:50 hproxy[12031]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:50:50 hproxy[12031]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 07:50:52 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:50:52 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 12212 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:50:52 hgate[12212]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:50:52 hgate[12212]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:50:52 hgate[12212]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:50:52 hgate[12212]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:50:52 hgate[12212]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:50:52 hgate[12212]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:50:52 hgate[12212]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:50:52 hgate[12212]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:50:52 hmonitor[8277]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 07:50:52 hgate[12212]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:50:52 hgate[12212]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:50:52 hgate[12212]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:50:52 hgate[12212]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:50:52 hgate[12212]: get cloud proxy server succeed! <15>Aug 9 07:50:52 hgate[12212]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:50:52 hgate[12212]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:50:52 hgate[12212]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:51:00 hproxy[12031]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:51:00 hproxy[12031]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <75>Aug 9 07:51:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 12613 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <12>Aug 9 07:51:07 hgate[12212]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:51:07 hgate[12212]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:51:07 hgate[12212]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:51:07 hgate[12212]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:51:07 hgate[12212]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 07:51:15 hproxy[12031]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:51:15 hproxy[12031]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:51:15 hproxy[12031]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:51:15 hproxy[12031]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:51:22 hgate[12212]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:51:22 hgate[12212]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:51:22 hgate[12212]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:51:22 hgate[12212]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:51:22 hgate[12212]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:51:25 hproxy[12031]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:51:25 hproxy[12031]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:51:28 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 125, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:51:28 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 13 <11>Aug 9 07:51:28 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:51:40 hproxy[12031]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:51:40 hproxy[12031]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:51:40 hproxy[12031]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:51:40 hproxy[12031]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:51:40 hgate[12212]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:51:40 hgate[12212]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:51:40 hgate[12212]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:51:40 hgate[12212]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:51:40 hgate[12212]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:51:50 hproxy[12031]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:51:50 hproxy[12031]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:51:55 hgate[12212]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:51:55 hgate[12212]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:51:55 hgate[12212]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:51:55 hgate[12212]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:51:55 hgate[12212]: Initialize connection: [] <11>Aug 9 07:51:59 hmonitor[8277]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 951016, last heart beat is 880522, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:51:59 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <75>Aug 9 07:52:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 15235 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <11>Aug 9 07:52:11 hgate[12212]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:52:11 hgate[12212]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:52:11 hgate[12212]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:52:11 hgate[12212]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:52:19 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:52:19 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 16114 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:52:19 hproxy[16114]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:52:19 hproxy[16114]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:52:19 hmonitor[8277]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:52:19 hproxy[16114]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:52:19 hproxy[16114]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:52:26 hgate[12212]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:52:26 hgate[12212]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:52:26 hgate[12212]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:52:26 hgate[12212]: Initialize connection: [] <11>Aug 9 07:52:29 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 35, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:52:29 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 14 <11>Aug 9 07:52:29 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <11>Aug 9 07:52:33 hmonitor[8277]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 984200, last heart beat is 883749, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:52:33 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <11>Aug 9 07:52:33 hproxy[16114]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:52:33 hproxy[16114]: recvfrom(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:52:33 hproxy[16114]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Return ERROR ] <15>Aug 9 07:52:33 hproxy[16114]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:52:33 hproxy[16114]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:52:33 hproxy[16114]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 07:52:35 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:52:35 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 16693 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:52:35 hgate[16693]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:52:35 hgate[16693]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:52:35 hgate[16693]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:52:35 hgate[16693]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:52:35 hgate[16693]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:52:35 hgate[16693]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:52:35 hgate[16693]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:52:35 hgate[16693]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:52:35 hmonitor[8277]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 07:52:35 hgate[16693]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:52:35 hgate[16693]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:52:35 hgate[16693]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:52:35 hgate[16693]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:52:35 hgate[16693]: get cloud proxy server succeed! <15>Aug 9 07:52:35 hgate[16693]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:52:35 hgate[16693]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:52:35 hgate[16693]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:52:43 hproxy[16114]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:52:43 hproxy[16114]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:52:53 hgate[16693]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:52:53 hgate[16693]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:52:53 hgate[16693]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:52:53 hgate[16693]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:52:53 hgate[16693]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 07:52:58 hproxy[16114]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:52:58 hproxy[16114]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:52:58 hproxy[16114]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:52:58 hproxy[16114]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <75>Aug 9 07:53:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 17800 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 07:53:08 hproxy[16114]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:53:08 hproxy[16114]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:53:08 hgate[16693]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:53:08 hgate[16693]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:53:08 hgate[16693]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:53:08 hgate[16693]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:53:08 hgate[16693]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 07:53:23 hproxy[16114]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:53:23 hproxy[16114]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:53:23 hproxy[16114]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:53:23 hproxy[16114]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:53:26 hgate[16693]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:53:26 hgate[16693]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:53:26 hgate[16693]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:53:26 hgate[16693]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:53:26 hgate[16693]: lw ssl link connct to <11>Aug 9 07:53:30 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 7, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:53:30 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 15 <11>Aug 9 07:53:30 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <11>Aug 9 07:53:30 hmonitor[8277]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 1041640, last heart beat is 971147, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:53:30 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <12>Aug 9 07:53:44 hgate[16693]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:53:44 hgate[16693]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:53:44 hgate[16693]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:53:44 hgate[16693]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:53:44 hgate[16693]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:53:50 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:53:50 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 20070 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:53:50 hproxy[20070]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:53:50 hproxy[20070]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:53:50 hmonitor[8277]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:53:50 hproxy[20070]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:53:50 hproxy[20070]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:53:59 hgate[16693]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:53:59 hgate[16693]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:53:59 hgate[16693]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:53:59 hgate[16693]: Initialize connection: [] <75>Aug 9 07:54:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 20436 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <12>Aug 9 07:54:05 hproxy[20070]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:54:05 hproxy[20070]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:54:05 hproxy[20070]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:54:05 hproxy[20070]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:54:14 hgate[16693]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:54:14 hgate[16693]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:54:14 hgate[16693]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:54:14 hgate[16693]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:54:15 hproxy[20070]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:54:15 hproxy[20070]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:54:15 hmonitor[8277]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 1086868, last heart beat is 986421, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:54:15 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <11>Aug 9 07:54:15 hproxy[20070]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:54:15 hproxy[20070]: recvfrom(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:54:15 hproxy[20070]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Return ERROR ] <15>Aug 9 07:54:15 hproxy[20070]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:54:15 hproxy[20070]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:54:15 hproxy[20070]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 07:54:17 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:54:17 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 21168 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:54:17 hgate[21168]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:54:17 hgate[21168]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:54:17 hgate[21168]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:54:17 hgate[21168]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:54:17 hgate[21168]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:54:17 hgate[21168]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:54:17 hgate[21168]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:54:17 hgate[21168]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:54:17 hmonitor[8277]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 07:54:17 hgate[21168]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:54:17 hgate[21168]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:54:17 hgate[21168]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:54:17 hgate[21168]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:54:17 hgate[21168]: get cloud proxy server succeed! <15>Aug 9 07:54:18 hgate[21168]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:54:18 hgate[21168]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:54:18 hgate[21168]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:54:25 hproxy[20070]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:54:25 hproxy[20070]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:54:31 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 19, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:54:31 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 16 <11>Aug 9 07:54:31 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:54:40 hproxy[20070]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:54:40 hproxy[20070]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:54:40 hproxy[20070]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:54:40 hproxy[20070]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:54:42 hgate[21168]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:54:42 hgate[21168]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:54:42 hgate[21168]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:54:42 hgate[21168]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:54:42 hgate[21168]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:54:50 hproxy[20070]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:54:50 hproxy[20070]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:54:57 hgate[21168]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:54:57 hgate[21168]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:54:57 hgate[21168]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:54:57 hgate[21168]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:54:57 hgate[21168]: lw ssl link connct to <75>Aug 9 07:55:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 23123 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <11>Aug 9 07:55:01 hmonitor[8277]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 1132256, last heart beat is 1061769, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:55:01 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <12>Aug 9 07:55:12 hgate[21168]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:55:12 hgate[21168]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:55:12 hgate[21168]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:55:12 hgate[21168]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:55:12 hgate[21168]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:55:21 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:55:21 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 24035 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:55:21 hproxy[24035]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:55:21 hproxy[24035]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:55:21 hmonitor[8277]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:55:21 hproxy[24035]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:55:21 hproxy[24035]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:55:27 hgate[21168]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:55:27 hgate[21168]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:55:27 hgate[21168]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:55:27 hgate[21168]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:55:27 hgate[21168]: Initialize connection: [] <11>Aug 9 07:55:32 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 65, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:55:32 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 17 <11>Aug 9 07:55:32 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:55:36 hproxy[24035]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:55:36 hproxy[24035]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:55:36 hproxy[24035]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:55:36 hproxy[24035]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:55:45 hgate[21168]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:55:45 hgate[21168]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:55:45 hgate[21168]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:55:45 hgate[21168]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:55:46 hproxy[24035]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:55:46 hproxy[24035]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:55:58 hmonitor[8277]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 1189532, last heart beat is 1089085, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:55:58 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <11>Aug 9 07:55:58 hproxy[24035]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:55:58 hproxy[24035]: recvfrom(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:55:58 hproxy[24035]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Return ERROR ] <15>Aug 9 07:55:58 hproxy[24035]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:55:58 hproxy[24035]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:55:58 hproxy[24035]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 07:56:00 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:56:00 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 25755 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:56:00 hgate[25755]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:56:00 hgate[25755]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:56:00 hgate[25755]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:56:00 hgate[25755]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:56:00 hgate[25755]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:56:00 hgate[25755]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:56:00 hgate[25755]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:56:00 hgate[25755]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:56:00 hmonitor[8277]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 07:56:00 hgate[25755]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:56:00 hgate[25755]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:56:00 hgate[25755]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:56:00 hgate[25755]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:56:00 hgate[25755]: get cloud proxy server succeed! <15>Aug 9 07:56:00 hgate[25755]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:56:00 hgate[25755]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:56:00 hgate[25755]: lw ssl link connct to <75>Aug 9 07:56:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 25800 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 07:56:08 hproxy[24035]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:56:08 hproxy[24035]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:56:18 hgate[25755]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:56:18 hgate[25755]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:56:18 hgate[25755]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:56:18 hgate[25755]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:56:18 hgate[25755]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 07:56:23 hproxy[24035]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:56:23 hproxy[24035]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:56:23 hproxy[24035]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:56:23 hproxy[24035]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:56:31 hmonitor[8277]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 1222872, last heart beat is 1152385, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:56:31 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <11>Aug 9 07:56:33 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 7, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:56:33 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 18 <11>Aug 9 07:56:33 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:56:42 hgate[25755]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:56:42 hgate[25755]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:56:42 hgate[25755]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:56:42 hgate[25755]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:56:42 hgate[25755]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:56:51 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:56:51 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 28091 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:56:51 hproxy[28091]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:56:51 hproxy[28091]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:56:51 hmonitor[8277]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:56:51 hproxy[28091]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:56:51 hproxy[28091]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:56:57 hgate[25755]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:56:57 hgate[25755]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:56:57 hgate[25755]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:56:57 hgate[25755]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:56:57 hgate[25755]: lw ssl link connct to <75>Aug 9 07:57:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 28442 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <12>Aug 9 07:57:06 hproxy[28091]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:57:06 hproxy[28091]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:57:06 hproxy[28091]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:57:06 hproxy[28091]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:57:12 hgate[25755]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:57:12 hgate[25755]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:57:12 hgate[25755]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:57:12 hgate[25755]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:57:12 hgate[25755]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:57:16 hproxy[28091]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:57:16 hproxy[28091]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:57:28 hgate[25755]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:57:28 hgate[25755]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:57:28 hgate[25755]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:57:28 hgate[25755]: Initialize connection: [] <12>Aug 9 07:57:31 hproxy[28091]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:57:31 hproxy[28091]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:57:31 hproxy[28091]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:57:31 hproxy[28091]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 07:57:34 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:57:34 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 19 <11>Aug 9 07:57:34 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <11>Aug 9 07:57:41 hmonitor[8277]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 1292200, last heart beat is 1191749, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:57:41 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <15>Aug 9 07:57:41 hproxy[28091]: connect err. 2 <11>Aug 9 07:57:41 hproxy[28091]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 07:57:43 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:57:43 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 30278 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:57:43 hgate[30278]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:57:43 hgate[30278]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:57:43 hgate[30278]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:57:43 hgate[30278]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:57:43 hgate[30278]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:57:43 hgate[30278]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:57:43 hgate[30278]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:57:43 hgate[30278]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:57:43 hmonitor[8277]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 07:57:43 hgate[30278]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:57:43 hgate[30278]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:57:43 hgate[30278]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:57:43 hgate[30278]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:57:43 hgate[30278]: get cloud proxy server succeed! <15>Aug 9 07:57:43 hgate[30278]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:57:43 hgate[30278]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:57:43 hgate[30278]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:57:51 hproxy[28091]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:57:51 hproxy[28091]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 07:57:58 hgate[30278]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:57:58 hgate[30278]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:57:58 hgate[30278]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:57:58 hgate[30278]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:57:58 hgate[30278]: lw ssl link connct to <75>Aug 9 07:58:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 30996 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <11>Aug 9 07:58:02 hmonitor[8277]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 1313524, last heart beat is 1243002, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:58:02 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <12>Aug 9 07:58:13 hgate[30278]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:58:13 hgate[30278]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:58:13 hgate[30278]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:58:13 hgate[30278]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:58:13 hgate[30278]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:58:22 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:58:22 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 32068 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:58:22 hproxy[32068]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:58:22 hproxy[32068]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:58:22 hmonitor[8277]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:58:22 hproxy[32068]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:58:22 hproxy[32068]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:58:28 hgate[30278]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:58:28 hgate[30278]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:58:28 hgate[30278]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:58:28 hgate[30278]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:58:28 hgate[30278]: lw ssl link connct to <11>Aug 9 07:58:35 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 36, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:58:35 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 20 <11>Aug 9 07:58:35 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 07:58:37 hproxy[32068]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:58:37 hproxy[32068]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:58:37 hproxy[32068]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:58:37 hproxy[32068]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:58:46 hgate[30278]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:58:46 hgate[30278]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:58:46 hgate[30278]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:58:46 hgate[30278]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:58:46 hgate[30278]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:58:47 hproxy[32068]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:58:47 hproxy[32068]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <75>Aug 9 07:59:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 1173 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <12>Aug 9 07:59:02 hproxy[32068]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 07:59:02 hproxy[32068]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:59:02 hproxy[32068]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:59:02 hproxy[32068]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 07:59:05 hgate[30278]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:59:05 hgate[30278]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:59:05 hgate[30278]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:59:05 hgate[30278]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 07:59:12 hproxy[32068]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:59:12 hproxy[32068]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:59:20 hgate[30278]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:59:20 hgate[30278]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:59:20 hgate[30278]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 07:59:20 hgate[30278]: Initialize connection: [] <11>Aug 9 07:59:23 hmonitor[8277]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 1394908, last heart beat is 1294450, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:59:23 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <11>Aug 9 07:59:23 hproxy[32068]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:59:23 hproxy[32068]: recvfrom(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:59:23 hproxy[32068]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Return ERROR ] <15>Aug 9 07:59:23 hproxy[32068]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 07:59:23 hproxy[32068]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 07:59:23 hproxy[32068]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 07:59:25 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:59:25 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 2263 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:59:25 hgate[2263]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 07:59:25 hgate[2263]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 07:59:25 hgate[2263]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 07:59:25 hgate[2263]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 07:59:25 hgate[2263]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 07:59:25 hgate[2263]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 07:59:25 hgate[2263]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 07:59:25 hgate[2263]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 07:59:25 hmonitor[8277]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 07:59:25 hgate[2263]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 07:59:25 hgate[2263]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 07:59:25 hgate[2263]: cloud proxy server is: <15>Aug 9 07:59:26 hgate[2263]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 07:59:26 hgate[2263]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 07:59:26 hgate[2263]: lw ssl link connct to <11>Aug 9 07:59:33 hmonitor[8277]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 1404156, last heart beat is 1333664, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 07:59:33 hmonitor[8277]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <11>Aug 9 07:59:36 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 55, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 07:59:36 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 21 <11>Aug 9 07:59:36 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <11>Aug 9 07:59:41 hgate[2263]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 07:59:41 hgate[2263]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 07:59:41 hgate[2263]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:59:41 hgate[2263]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:59:41 hgate[2263]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 07:59:53 hmonitor[8277]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 07:59:53 hmonitor[8277]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 3543 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 07:59:53 hproxy[3543]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 07:59:53 hproxy[3543]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 07:59:53 hmonitor[8277]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 07:59:53 hproxy[3543]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 07:59:53 hproxy[3543]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 07:59:56 hgate[2263]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 07:59:56 hgate[2263]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 07:59:56 hgate[2263]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 07:59:56 hgate[2263]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 07:59:56 hgate[2263]: lw ssl link connct to <75>Aug 9 08:00:01 crond[7510]: USER admin pid 3852 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <12>Aug 9 08:00:08 hproxy[3543]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 08:00:08 hproxy[3543]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 08:00:08 hproxy[3543]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 08:00:08 hproxy[3543]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 08:00:18 hproxy[3543]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 08:00:18 hproxy[3543]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 08:00:20 hgate[2263]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 08:00:20 hgate[2263]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 08:00:20 hgate[2263]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 08:00:20 hgate[2263]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 08:00:20 hgate[2263]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 08:00:33 hproxy[3543]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 08:00:33 hproxy[3543]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 08:00:33 hproxy[3543]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 08:00:33 hproxy[3543]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 08:00:35 hgate[2263]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 08:00:35 hgate[2263]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 08:00:35 hgate[2263]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 08:00:35 hgate[2263]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 08:00:35 hgate[2263]: Initialize connection: [] <11>Aug 9 08:00:37 hdns[8804]: 60s: user req: 7, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 08:00:37 hdns[8804]: domain test, client send count: 22 <11>Aug 9 08:00:37 hdns[8804]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <15>Aug 9 08:00:43 hproxy[3543]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 08:00:43 hproxy[3543]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 08:00:50 hgate[2263]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 08:00:50 hgate[2263]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 08:00:50 hgate[2263]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 08:00:50 hgate[2263]: Initialize connection: [] <12>Aug 9 08:00:58 hproxy[3543]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 08:00:58 hproxy[3543]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 08:00:58 hproxy[3543]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 08:00:58 hproxy[3543]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Jan 1 00:01:00 hacc[8356]: hacc start, version 1.55. crypto switch off. <15>Aug 9 08:03:48 hacc[8356]: dont need open flow log. <14>Aug 9 08:03:48 hmonitor[8275]: before hgate start, delay 0 ms. {hmonitor.cpp:89} <15>Aug 9 08:03:48 hmonitor[8275]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 08:03:48 hmonitor[8275]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 8370 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <75>Aug 9 08:03:48 crond[7505]: time disparity of 25037762 minutes detected <14>Aug 9 08:03:51 hgate[8370]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 08:03:51 hgate[8370]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 08:03:51 hgate[8370]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 08:03:51 hgate[8370]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 08:03:51 hgate[8370]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 08:03:51 hgate[8370]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 08:03:51 hgate[8370]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 08:03:51 hgate[8370]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 08:03:51 hgate[8370]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 08:03:51 hgate[8370]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 08:03:51 hgate[8370]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 08:03:51 hgate[8370]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 08:03:51 hgate[8370]: get cloud proxy server succeed! <14>Aug 9 08:03:51 hmonitor[8275]: before hproxy start, delay 2000 ms. {hmonitor.cpp:89} <15>Aug 9 08:03:51 hgate[8370]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 08:03:51 hgate[8370]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 08:03:51 hgate[8370]: lw ssl link connct to <14>Aug 9 08:03:51 hdns[7844]: client_manager::_load_config reload config file! <14>Aug 9 08:03:51 hdns[7844]: receiver close connection! <11>Aug 9 08:03:51 hdns[7844]: receiver::_handle_read error: -2147483645 <14>Aug 9 08:03:51 hdns[7844]: client_manager::_load_config reload config file! <15>Aug 9 08:03:53 hmonitor[8275]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 08:03:53 hmonitor[8275]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 8868 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 08:03:54 hproxy[8868]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 08:03:54 hproxy[8868]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 08:03:54 hmonitor[8275]: before hdns start, delay 0 ms. {hmonitor.cpp:89} <15>Aug 9 08:03:54 hmonitor[8275]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hdns_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 08:03:54 hmonitor[8275]: dog start service process hdns, pid is 8875 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 08:03:54 hmonitor[8275]: start all process! version 1.99. {hmonitor.cpp:143} <15>Aug 9 08:03:54 hproxy[8868]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 08:03:54 hproxy[8868]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <14>Aug 9 08:03:54 hdns[8875]: ssid f6316b180000, dnsip <14>Aug 9 08:03:54 hdns[8875]: parse resolv.conf file <14>Aug 9 08:03:54 hdns[8875]: resolv.conf changed, clear all DNS server <14>Aug 9 08:03:54 hdns[8875]: add new DNS server: <14>Aug 9 08:03:54 hdns[8875]: add new DNS server: <14>Aug 9 08:03:54 hdns[8875]: 2 DNS server(s) exist:,, <14>Aug 9 08:03:54 hdns[8875]: add new DNS server: <14>Aug 9 08:03:54 hdns[8875]: initial hdns server service! <14>Aug 9 08:03:54 hdns[8875]: wireless gateway ip is: <14>Aug 9 08:03:54 hdns[8875]: initial hdns client service! <75>Aug 9 08:04:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 9337 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:04:01 hmwatcher: Device uptime (74 sec) is less than 5 minutes. Quitting checking ... <11>Aug 9 08:04:04 htunnel[8343]: timeout to receive welcome info from server! <11>Aug 9 08:04:04 htunnel[8343]: data send error: 9 <14>Aug 9 08:04:04 htunnel[8343]: connect to <14>Aug 9 08:04:04 htunnel[8343]: register to server succeed <11>Aug 9 08:04:06 hgate[8370]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 08:04:06 hgate[8370]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 08:04:06 hgate[8370]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 08:04:06 hgate[8370]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 08:04:06 hgate[8370]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 08:04:09 hproxy[8868]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 08:04:09 hproxy[8868]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 08:04:09 hproxy[8868]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 08:04:09 hproxy[8868]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 08:04:19 hproxy[8868]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 08:04:19 hproxy[8868]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 08:04:21 hgate[8370]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 08:04:21 hgate[8370]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 08:04:21 hgate[8370]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 08:04:21 hgate[8370]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 08:04:21 hgate[8370]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 08:04:34 hproxy[8868]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 08:04:34 hproxy[8868]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 08:04:34 hproxy[8868]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 08:04:34 hproxy[8868]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 08:04:44 hproxy[8868]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 08:04:44 hproxy[8868]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 08:04:45 hgate[8370]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 08:04:45 hgate[8370]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 08:04:45 hgate[8370]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 08:04:45 hgate[8370]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 08:04:45 hgate[8370]: lw ssl link connct to <11>Aug 9 08:04:55 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 57, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 08:04:55 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 0 <11>Aug 9 08:04:55 hdns[8875]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 08:04:59 hproxy[8868]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 08:04:59 hproxy[8868]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 08:04:59 hproxy[8868]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 08:04:59 hproxy[8868]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <75>Aug 9 08:05:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 11834 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/restore_log.sh <75>Aug 9 08:05:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 11835 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:05:02 hmwatcher: Device uptime (134 sec) is less than 5 minutes. Quitting checking ... <11>Aug 9 08:05:04 hmonitor[8275]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 137292, last heart beat is 66927, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 08:05:04 hmonitor[8275]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <12>Aug 9 08:05:10 hgate[8370]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 08:05:10 hgate[8370]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 08:05:10 hgate[8370]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 08:05:10 hgate[8370]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 08:05:10 hgate[8370]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 08:05:24 hmonitor[8275]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 08:05:24 hmonitor[8275]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 12913 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 08:05:24 hproxy[12913]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 08:05:24 hproxy[12913]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 08:05:24 hmonitor[8275]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 08:05:24 hproxy[12913]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 08:05:24 hproxy[12913]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 08:05:25 hgate[8370]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 08:05:25 hgate[8370]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 08:05:25 hgate[8370]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 08:05:25 hgate[8370]: Initialize connection: [] <11>Aug 9 08:05:31 hmonitor[8275]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 164448, last heart beat is 64321, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 08:05:31 hmonitor[8275]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <11>Aug 9 08:05:31 hproxy[12913]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 08:05:31 hproxy[12913]: recvfrom(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 08:05:31 hproxy[12913]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Return ERROR ] <15>Aug 9 08:05:31 hproxy[12913]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 08:05:31 hproxy[12913]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 08:05:31 hproxy[12913]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 08:05:33 hmonitor[8275]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 08:05:33 hmonitor[8275]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 13284 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 08:05:33 hgate[13284]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 08:05:33 hgate[13284]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 08:05:33 hgate[13284]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 08:05:33 hgate[13284]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 08:05:33 hgate[13284]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 08:05:33 hgate[13284]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 08:05:33 hgate[13284]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 08:05:33 hgate[13284]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 08:05:33 hmonitor[8275]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 08:05:33 hgate[13284]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 08:05:33 hgate[13284]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 08:05:33 hgate[13284]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 08:05:33 hgate[13284]: cloud proxy server is: <15>Aug 9 08:05:33 hgate[13284]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 08:05:34 hgate[13284]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 08:05:34 hgate[13284]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 08:05:41 hproxy[12913]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 08:05:41 hproxy[12913]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 08:05:49 hgate[13284]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 08:05:49 hgate[13284]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 08:05:49 hgate[13284]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 08:05:49 hgate[13284]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 08:05:49 hgate[13284]: lw ssl link connct to <11>Aug 9 08:05:56 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 21, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 08:05:56 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 1 <11>Aug 9 08:05:56 hdns[8875]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 08:05:56 hproxy[12913]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 08:05:56 hproxy[12913]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 08:05:56 hproxy[12913]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 08:05:56 hproxy[12913]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <75>Aug 9 08:06:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 14518 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:06:02 hmwatcher: Device uptime (194 sec) is less than 5 minutes. Quitting checking ... <15>Aug 9 08:06:06 hproxy[12913]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 08:06:06 hproxy[12913]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 08:06:13 hgate[13284]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 08:06:13 hgate[13284]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 08:06:13 hgate[13284]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 08:06:13 hgate[13284]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 08:06:13 hgate[13284]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 08:06:21 hproxy[12913]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 08:06:21 hproxy[12913]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 08:06:21 hproxy[12913]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 08:06:21 hproxy[12913]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 08:06:28 hgate[13284]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 08:06:28 hgate[13284]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 08:06:28 hgate[13284]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 08:06:28 hgate[13284]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 08:06:28 hgate[13284]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 08:06:31 hproxy[12913]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 08:06:31 hproxy[12913]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 08:06:35 hmonitor[8275]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 227908, last heart beat is 157421, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 08:06:35 hmonitor[8275]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <12>Aug 9 08:06:52 hgate[13284]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 08:06:52 hgate[13284]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 08:06:52 hgate[13284]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 08:06:52 hgate[13284]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 08:06:52 hgate[13284]: Initialize connection: [] <11>Aug 9 08:06:52 hgate[13284]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 08:06:52 hgate[13284]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 08:06:52 hgate[13284]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 08:06:55 hmonitor[8275]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 08:06:55 hmonitor[8275]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 16844 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 08:06:55 hproxy[16844]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 08:06:55 hproxy[16844]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 08:06:55 hmonitor[8275]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 08:06:55 hproxy[16844]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 08:06:55 hproxy[16844]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 08:06:57 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 97, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 08:06:57 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 2 <11>Aug 9 08:06:57 hdns[8875]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <75>Aug 9 08:07:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 17153 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:07:02 hmwatcher: Device uptime (254 sec) is less than 5 minutes. Quitting checking ... <12>Aug 9 08:07:07 hgate[13284]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 08:07:07 hgate[13284]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 08:07:07 hgate[13284]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 08:07:07 hgate[13284]: Initialize connection: [] <12>Aug 9 08:07:10 hproxy[16844]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 08:07:10 hproxy[16844]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 08:07:10 hproxy[16844]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 08:07:10 hproxy[16844]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 08:07:14 hmonitor[8275]: hgate no heart beat! cur_time is 267116, last heart beat is 166666, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 08:07:14 hmonitor[8275]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <15>Aug 9 08:07:16 hmonitor[8275]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./daemon_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 08:07:16 hmonitor[8275]: dog start service process hgate, pid is 17851 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 08:07:16 hgate[17851]: Initialize sigactions <14>Aug 9 08:07:16 hgate[17851]: Initialize miscellaneous <14>Aug 9 08:07:16 hgate[17851]: Initialize hole-punching listener. <14>Aug 9 08:07:16 hgate[17851]: COMMON SERVER IP : [] <14>Aug 9 08:07:16 hgate[17851]: COMMON SERVER PORT : [3000] <14>Aug 9 08:07:16 hgate[17851]: PUBLIC ID : [70022] <14>Aug 9 08:07:16 hgate[17851]: PRIVATE ID : [f6316b180000] <14>Aug 9 08:07:16 hgate[17851]: OBJECT TYPE : [2] <14>Aug 9 08:07:16 hmonitor[8275]: peer hgate conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <14>Aug 9 08:07:16 hgate[17851]: this device is at: CN <14>Aug 9 08:07:16 hgate[17851]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 08:07:16 hgate[17851]: cloud proxy server is: <14>Aug 9 08:07:16 hgate[17851]: cloud proxy server is: <15>Aug 9 08:07:16 hgate[17851]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 0 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 08:07:16 hgate[17851]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 08:07:16 hgate[17851]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 08:07:20 hproxy[16844]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 08:07:20 hproxy[16844]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 08:07:31 hgate[17851]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 08:07:31 hgate[17851]: connect(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 08:07:31 hgate[17851]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 08:07:31 hgate[17851]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 08:07:31 hgate[17851]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 08:07:35 hproxy[16844]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 08:07:35 hproxy[16844]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 08:07:35 hproxy[16844]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 08:07:35 hproxy[16844]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 08:07:45 hproxy[16844]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 08:07:45 hproxy[16844]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 08:07:46 hgate[17851]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 08:07:46 hgate[17851]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 08:07:46 hgate[17851]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 08:07:46 hgate[17851]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 08:07:46 hgate[17851]: lw ssl link connct to <11>Aug 9 08:07:58 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 08:07:58 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 3 <11>Aug 9 08:07:58 hdns[8875]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <12>Aug 9 08:08:00 hproxy[16844]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 08:08:00 hproxy[16844]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 08:08:00 hproxy[16844]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 08:08:00 hproxy[16844]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 08:08:01 hgate[17851]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 08:08:01 hgate[17851]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 08:08:01 hgate[17851]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 08:08:01 hgate[17851]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 08:08:01 hgate[17851]: lw ssl link connct to <75>Aug 9 08:08:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 19833 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <11>Aug 9 08:08:05 hmonitor[8275]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 318532, last heart beat is 248038, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 08:08:05 hmonitor[8275]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <12>Aug 9 08:08:16 hgate[17851]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 08:08:16 hgate[17851]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 08:08:16 hgate[17851]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 08:08:16 hgate[17851]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 08:08:16 hgate[17851]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 08:08:25 hmonitor[8275]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 08:08:25 hmonitor[8275]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 20787 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 08:08:25 hproxy[20787]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 08:08:25 hproxy[20787]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 08:08:25 hmonitor[8275]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 08:08:25 hproxy[20787]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 08:08:25 hproxy[20787]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 08:08:32 hgate[17851]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 08:08:32 hgate[17851]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 08:08:32 hgate[17851]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <14>Aug 9 08:08:32 hgate[17851]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: tcp client! [6] <14>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Connection: [ fd 6, protocol 6, local, remote ] <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Relay: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 245, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: no 0 local unix accept 7 <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: no 1 local unix accept 8 <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: A register request has been received! <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Connection: [ fd 6, protocol 6, local, remote ] <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Relay: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 245, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: no 2 local unix accept 9 <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Recv EOF <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Return CLOSED ] <12>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: The client has been closed. <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_STATUS, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: close client 7 <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 8, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: A register request has been received! <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Connection: [ fd 6, protocol 6, local, remote ] <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Relay: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 245, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Recv EOF <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 8, Return CLOSED ] <12>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: The client has been closed. <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_STATUS, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: close client 8 <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 9, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: A register request has been received! <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Connection: [ fd 6, protocol 6, local, remote ] <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Relay: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 245, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: recvfrom(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Return ERROR ] <11>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: Receive a error from the cloud. errno 2 <11>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: plain write(): No such file or directory <11>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: sendto(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: close client 9 <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hgate[17851]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 10 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hproxy[20787]: Recv EOF <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hproxy[20787]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Return CLOSED ] <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hproxy[20787]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 08:08:33 hproxy[20787]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 08:08:33 hproxy[20787]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 08:08:43 hproxy[20787]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 08:08:43 hproxy[20787]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:08:43 hgate[17851]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 08:08:43 hgate[17851]: lw ssl link connct to <12>Aug 9 08:08:58 hproxy[20787]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 08:08:58 hproxy[20787]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 08:08:58 hproxy[20787]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 08:08:58 hproxy[20787]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <11>Aug 9 08:08:59 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 08:08:59 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 4 <11>Aug 9 08:08:59 hdns[8875]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <75>Aug 9 08:09:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 22515 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 08:09:07 hgate[17851]: tcp client! [6] <15>Aug 9 08:09:08 hproxy[20787]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 08:09:08 hproxy[20787]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <14>Aug 9 08:09:10 hgate[17851]: Device recive welcome message from common cloud server succeed! <15>Aug 9 08:09:12 hgate[17851]: lw ssl link! 6 <14>Aug 9 08:09:12 hgate[17851]: Connection: [ fd 6, protocol 6, local, remote ] <15>Aug 9 08:09:12 hgate[17851]: Relay: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 245, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:09:12 hgate[17851]: Crypto send. [6]! cmd 1 <15>Aug 9 08:09:12 hgate[17851]: no 0 local unix accept 7 <15>Aug 9 08:09:12 hgate[17851]: register time out! <15>Aug 9 08:09:12 hgate[17851]: Use tcp crypto, fd 6, data size 49, checksum 2235 <15>Aug 9 08:09:12 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_STATUS, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:09:12 hgate[17851]: close client 7 <15>Aug 9 08:09:12 hgate[17851]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 5 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 08:09:12 hgate[17851]: peer sock is 6 <11>Aug 9 08:09:12 hproxy[20787]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 08:09:12 hproxy[20787]: recvfrom(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 08:09:12 hproxy[20787]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Return ERROR ] <15>Aug 9 08:09:12 hproxy[20787]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 08:09:12 hproxy[20787]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 08:09:12 hproxy[20787]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <15>Aug 9 08:09:17 hgate[17851]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 08:09:17 hgate[17851]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 08:09:22 hproxy[20787]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 08:09:22 hproxy[20787]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <12>Aug 9 08:09:35 hgate[17851]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 08:09:35 hgate[17851]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 08:09:35 hgate[17851]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 08:09:35 hgate[17851]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 08:09:35 hgate[17851]: lw ssl link connct to <11>Aug 9 08:09:36 hmonitor[8275]: hproxy no heart beat! cur_time is 409088, last heart beat is 338661, span is 0. errno (2){service_process_link.cpp:241} <15>Aug 9 08:09:36 hmonitor[8275]: fault time clear! {service_process_link.cpp:205} <12>Aug 9 08:09:50 hgate[17851]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 08:09:50 hgate[17851]: Plain link cannot get my public address from server <15>Aug 9 08:09:50 hgate[17851]: delete_tcp_client, cls [6] <15>Aug 9 08:09:50 hgate[17851]: lw ssl conn err! 2 <14>Aug 9 08:09:50 hgate[17851]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 08:09:56 hmonitor[8275]: prepare to exec clear script '/bin/sh -c ./hproxy_cleanup.sh'. {service_process_link.cpp:47} <14>Aug 9 08:09:56 hmonitor[8275]: dog start service process hproxy, pid is 24849 {service_process_link.cpp:63} <14>Aug 9 08:09:56 hproxy[24849]: [wanproxy.cc:42:] HomingProxy server 1918-15-31 is starting... <15>Aug 9 08:09:56 hproxy[24849]: [wanproxy.cc:98:] proxy : 1 <14>Aug 9 08:09:56 hmonitor[8275]: peer hproxy conneted! {service_process_link.cpp:114} <15>Aug 9 08:09:56 hproxy[24849]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 08:09:56 hproxy[24849]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 08:10:00 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 35, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 0, avg cost: 0 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 08:10:00 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 5 <11>Aug 9 08:10:00 hdns[8875]: client_manager::_domain_test test domain request send error! <15>Aug 9 08:10:01 hgate[17851]: tcp client! [6] <75>Aug 9 08:10:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 25025 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <12>Aug 9 08:10:11 hproxy[24849]: Recv timeout: [6] <15>Aug 9 08:10:11 hproxy[24849]: recv time out or recv err! <15>Aug 9 08:10:11 hproxy[24849]: close socket! <11>Aug 9 08:10:11 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:632:] Hole_Punching_Initializer Failure 2 <12>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: Recv timeout: [6] <11>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: lw ssl link cannot get welcome information from server <14>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: tcp client! [6] <14>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: Connection: [ fd 6, protocol 6, local, remote ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: Relay: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 245, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: no 0 local unix accept 7 <15>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: no 1 local unix accept 8 <15>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: A register request has been received! <15>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: Connection: [ fd 6, protocol 6, local, remote ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: Relay: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 245, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: Recv EOF <15>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Return CLOSED ] <12>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: The client has been closed. <15>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_STATUS, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: close client 7 <15>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 8, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:10:16 hgate[17851]: A register request has been received! <15>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: Connection: [ fd 6, protocol 6, local, remote ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: Relay: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 245, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: Recv EOF <15>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 8, Return CLOSED ] <12>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: The client has been closed. <15>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_STATUS, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: close client 8 <15>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 48, Flags 0 ] <14>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: Create synchronize timer: [ Interval 28(s) ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_STATUS, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 48, Flags 0 ] <14>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: Create synchronize timer: [ Interval 28(s) ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: Relay: ---> [ Fd 7, Protocol -1, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 49, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: plain write(): No such file or directory <11>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: RELAY_PROTO_PACKET(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 48, Flags 0 ] <14>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: Create synchronize timer: [ Interval 28(s) ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: Relay: ---> [ Fd 8, Protocol -1, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 49, Flags 0 ] <11>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: plain write(): No such file or directory <11>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: The syscall return a error value: 2 <15>Aug 9 08:10:17 hgate[17851]: RELAY_PROTO_PACKET(): No such file or directory <15>Aug 9 08:10:21 hproxy[24849]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 08:10:21 hproxy[24849]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:21 hgate[17851]: no 0 local unix accept 7 <15>Aug 9 08:10:21 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:10:21 hgate[17851]: A register request has been received! <15>Aug 9 08:10:21 hgate[17851]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 08:10:21 hgate[17851]: Connection: [ fd 6, protocol 6, local, remote ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:21 hgate[17851]: Relay: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 245, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:24 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 48, Flags 0 ] <14>Aug 9 08:10:24 hgate[17851]: Create synchronize timer: [ Interval 28(s) ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:24 hgate[17851]: Relay: ---> [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 49, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:24 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_STATUS, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:24 hproxy[24849]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:24 hproxy[24849]: [system_initializer.cc:84:] I am 2 <15>Aug 9 08:10:24 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:644:] start, first dig 1 <15>Aug 9 08:10:24 hproxy[24849]: [system_initializer.cc:104:] Connect to daemon! 6 <15>Aug 9 08:10:24 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:24 hgate[17851]: first dig! mode 15, holes 1, bug 0 <15>Aug 9 08:10:24 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 39078592, Ssid P \ , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[17851]: start diging! flow_num 261, dig_request_value 10f, peerssid KR0013070022. <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[17851]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[17851]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[17851]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[17851]: Send udp address echo request 5 times to: [] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[17851]: Send udp address echo request 5 times to: [] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[17851]: Send udp address echo request 5 times to: [] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[17851]: Send udp address echo request 5 times to: [] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[17851]: udp [8], echo server addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[17851]: NOTE:udp pub addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[17851]: NOTE:udp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[17851]: send dig info! flow num 261 <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[26379]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[26379]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 26379 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[26379]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53780 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[26379]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[26379]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[26379]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 51995 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[26379]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 51995 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[26379]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address, Port 6666 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[26379]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[26379]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 08:10:29 hgate[26379]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 08:10:32 hgate[26379]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 51995 <14>Aug 9 08:10:32 hgate[26379]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:32 hgate[26379]: first go cleanup <15>Aug 9 08:10:32 hgate[26379]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 51995 <14>Aug 9 08:10:32 hgate[26379]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:32 hgate[26379]: echo_state go cleanup: [2] <15>Aug 9 08:10:32 hgate[26379]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 51995 <14>Aug 9 08:10:32 hgate[26379]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:32 hgate[26379]: echo_state go cleanup: [3] <15>Aug 9 08:10:32 hgate[26379]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 51995 <14>Aug 9 08:10:32 hgate[26379]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:32 hgate[26379]: echo_state go cleanup: [4] <15>Aug 9 08:10:32 hgate[26379]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 51995 <14>Aug 9 08:10:32 hgate[26379]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:32 hgate[26379]: echo_state go cleanup: [5] <13>Aug 9 08:10:35 hgate[26379]: A new LAN UDP hole punching link has been created, udp hole 1, Total = 2 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hgate[26379]: Millstone: [ Action punching, Result SUCCESS, Number 2, flags 0002 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hgate[26379]: dest is KR0013070022 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hgate[26379]: Send: ---> [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hgate[26379]: send 1 hole to hproxy father! flow num ex 261 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hgate[26379]: dig hole process 26379 will exit! <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[24849]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1068:] recv hole privide cmd:13 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1108:] recv hole num: 2 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1135:] fwd ip port 6666 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1115:] recv acc_peer ip port 51995 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1198:] wait son, sock is 9 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1207:] cpid: 26570 has been forked <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hgate[17851]: No 1. Exit hole punching process: [ Pid 26379, Exited 1, Status 0, Signaled 0, Termsig 0, Wcoredump 0, Stopped 0, Stopsig 0, Continued 0, Error "" ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hgate[17851]: ret value -1 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_FINISHED, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[26570]: [ser_link.cc:468:] wait notify in port : 40722 wait sock 6 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1214:] accept peer conn , sock is 10 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[26570]: [../../event/event_poll_epoll.cc:30:] create epoll fd 3 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[26570]: [ser_link.cc:1240:] conn to KR0013070022 my sock 6 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:387:] Max tcp hole, 1 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:197:] fwd link , peer ip, peer port 6666 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:238:] New forward address info is coming. <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:126:] Building acc forward connection 2 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:152:] COMP, Connect to transfer2 using tcp, addr is []:6666 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:176:] Building a acc connection, fd:8 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hacc[8356]: hacc fork child process: 26574 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hacc[26574]: hacc's child process double fork child process: 26575 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hacc[26575]: open core dump. <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hacc[26575]: hacc is starting!! version 1.98 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hacc[26575]: Server Address:, Port: 51995, Type:1 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hacc[26575]: SockFd Rcv From Hproxy Success: 7 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hacc[26575]: peer ssid is KR0013070022 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hacc[26575]: Connecting... 27 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:183:] Acc fd 8, peer ip, peer port 51995 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:603:/ConnMgr/get_best_level] Get best connection, <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:509:/ConnMgr/on_conn_change] No connection is available now <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: Current level: <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:1 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want110 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 5 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 2144552032, Ssid -, Length 16, Flags 1417663300 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hgate[17851]: prepare to dig with KR0013070022, mode 5, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:76:/ConnMgr/init] Connection manager is ready, hole number is 2, connection number is 0 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[26570]: [ser_link.cc:178:] test connect err, 146 <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[26570]: [ser_link.cc:1259:] listen! <15>Aug 9 08:10:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:381:/ConnMgr/build_comp_tcp_conn_callback] Connect to transfer2 succeed <15>Aug 9 08:10:36 hacc[26575]: |connect|<881>|connected 1! <15>Aug 9 08:10:36 hacc[26575]: |connect|<880>|conn to, peer ip port 51995 <15>Aug 9 08:10:36 hacc[26575]: client socket 109112462, ret 0 <15>Aug 9 08:10:36 hacc[26575]: Connectd to peer <15>Aug 9 08:10:36 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:468:] Build transfer2/docker connection succeed, 'FWDV2'(5) <15>Aug 9 08:10:36 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:497:/ConnMgr/appent_conn] Append a connection, udp-cloud, require, 0 <15>Aug 9 08:10:36 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:603:/ConnMgr/get_best_level] Get best connection, udp-cloud <15>Aug 9 08:10:36 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:515:/ConnMgr/on_conn_change] Set current level first time, udp-cloud <15>Aug 9 08:10:36 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:404:] send handshake packet, 680e1320-4063-47cf-895f-58b6b792f8df_f6316b180000_26570, 0 <15>Aug 9 08:10:36 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1125:] send shkhand pack in conn 3 <15>Aug 9 08:10:37 hacc[26575]: client recv data from server: serve <15>Aug 9 08:10:37 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:258:] Build Acc connection succeed, 'hello'(5) <15>Aug 9 08:10:37 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:497:/ConnMgr/appent_conn] Append a connection, udp, require, 1 <15>Aug 9 08:10:37 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:603:/ConnMgr/get_best_level] Get best connection, udp <15>Aug 9 08:10:37 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:522:/ConnMgr/on_conn_change] Replace current connection to, udp <15>Aug 9 08:10:37 hacc[26575]: passthrough_thread2 started! <15>Aug 9 08:10:37 hacc[26575]: recv shk hand pack from remote, send to hproxy. <15>Aug 9 08:10:37 hacc[26575]: recv shk info from remote : <15>Aug 9 08:10:37 hacc[26575]: peer addr port 51995 <15>Aug 9 08:10:37 hacc[26575]: local addr port 51995 <15>Aug 9 08:10:37 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:414:] recv ba30229d-cc71-41de-81ef-5d67cd57e156_KR0013070022_18274`s shkhand. <15>Aug 9 08:10:37 hacc[26575]: unix_passthrough_thread2 started! <15>Aug 9 08:10:37 hacc[26575]: perf_stat_thread started! <14>Aug 9 08:10:39 hdns[8875]: connect to succeed! <14>Aug 9 08:10:39 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 6 <14>Aug 9 08:10:39 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 6 <15>Aug 9 08:10:40 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 39078592, Ssid P \ , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:40 hgate[17851]: start diging! flow_num 344, dig_request_value 105, peerssid KR0013070022. <15>Aug 9 08:10:40 hgate[17851]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 08:10:40 hgate[17851]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 08:10:40 hgate[17851]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:10:40 hgate[17851]: Send udp address echo request 5 times to: [] <15>Aug 9 08:10:40 hgate[17851]: Send udp address echo request 5 times to: [] <15>Aug 9 08:10:40 hgate[17851]: Send udp address echo request 5 times to: [] <15>Aug 9 08:10:40 hgate[17851]: Send udp address echo request 5 times to: [] <15>Aug 9 08:10:40 hgate[17851]: udp [8], echo server addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:10:40 hgate[17851]: NOTE:udp pub addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:10:40 hgate[17851]: NOTE:udp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:10:40 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:40 hgate[17851]: send dig info! flow num 344 <15>Aug 9 08:10:41 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:41 hgate[26778]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 08:10:41 hgate[26778]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 26778 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:41 hgate[26778]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53780 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:41 hgate[26778]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:41 hgate[26778]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:41 hgate[26778]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 35507 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:41 hgate[26778]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 35507 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:41 hgate[26778]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:41 hgate[26778]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:10:41 hgate[26778]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 08:10:41 hgate[26778]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 08:10:41 hgate[26778]: Failed to dig tcp holes. <15>Aug 9 08:10:41 hgate[26778]: Connect to UDP endpoint: [] <15>Aug 9 08:10:44 hgate[26778]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 35507 <14>Aug 9 08:10:44 hgate[26778]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:44 hgate[26778]: first go cleanup <15>Aug 9 08:10:44 hgate[26778]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 35507 <14>Aug 9 08:10:44 hgate[26778]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:44 hgate[26778]: echo_state go cleanup: [2] <15>Aug 9 08:10:44 hgate[26778]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 35507 <14>Aug 9 08:10:44 hgate[26778]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:44 hgate[26778]: echo_state go cleanup: [3] <15>Aug 9 08:10:44 hgate[26778]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 35507 <14>Aug 9 08:10:44 hgate[26778]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:44 hgate[26778]: echo_state go cleanup: [5] <15>Aug 9 08:10:44 hgate[26778]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 35507 <14>Aug 9 08:10:44 hgate[26778]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:44 hgate[26778]: echo_state go cleanup: [6] <15>Aug 9 08:10:44 hgate[26778]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 35507 <14>Aug 9 08:10:44 hgate[26778]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <14>Aug 9 08:10:44 hgate[26778]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:44 hgate[26778]: echo_state go cleanup: [10] <13>Aug 9 08:10:47 hgate[26778]: A new LAN UDP hole punching link has been created, udp hole 1, Total = 1 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hgate[26778]: Millstone: [ Action punching, Result SUCCESS, Number 1, flags 0002 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hgate[26778]: dest is KR0013070022 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hgate[26778]: Send: ---> [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hgate[26778]: send 1 hole to hproxy father! flow num ex 344 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hgate[26778]: dig hole process 26778 will exit! <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hproxy[24849]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1068:] recv hole privide cmd:13 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1108:] recv hole num: 1 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1115:] recv acc_peer ip port 35507 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:305:] send holes info 139, to son 26570 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:311:] send hole to son, ret:0 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hgate[17851]: No 1. Exit hole punching process: [ Pid 26778, Exited 1, Status 0, Signaled 0, Termsig 0, Wcoredump 0, Stopped 0, Stopsig 0, Continued 0, Error "" ] <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hgate[17851]: ret value -1 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hproxy[26570]: [ser_link.cc:378:] recv_thread:recv cmd 101 frame len 136 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hproxy[26570]: [ser_link.cc:396:] son hproxy get udp hole! <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hproxy[26570]: [ser_link.cc:408:] recv hole num : 1 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hproxy[26570]: [ser_link.cc:527:] prepare update hole. <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1175:PacketDispatcher/on_new_conn] New holes is coming, number=1 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:176:] Building a acc connection, fd:17 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:183:] Acc fd 17, peer ip, peer port 35507 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:603:/ConnMgr/get_best_level] Get best connection, udp <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hacc[8356]: hacc fork child process: 27026 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hacc[27026]: hacc's child process double fork child process: 27027 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hacc[27027]: Server Address:, Port: 35507, Type:1 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hacc[27027]: SockFd Rcv From Hproxy Success: 7 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hacc[27027]: peer ssid is KR0013070022 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hacc[27027]: Connecting... 27 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hacc[27027]: |connect|<881>|connected 1! <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hacc[27027]: |connect|<880>|conn to, peer ip port 35507 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hacc[27027]: client socket 109112462, ret 0 <15>Aug 9 08:10:47 hacc[27027]: Connectd to peer <15>Aug 9 08:10:48 hacc[27027]: client recv data from server: serve <15>Aug 9 08:10:48 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:258:] Build Acc connection succeed, 'hello'(5) <15>Aug 9 08:10:48 hacc[27027]: passthrough_thread2 started! <15>Aug 9 08:10:48 hacc[27027]: unix_passthrough_thread2 started! <15>Aug 9 08:10:48 hacc[27027]: perf_stat_thread started! <15>Aug 9 08:10:48 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:497:/ConnMgr/appent_conn] Append a connection, udp, require, 0 <15>Aug 9 08:10:48 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:603:/ConnMgr/get_best_level] Get best connection, udp <15>Aug 9 08:10:48 hproxy[26570]: [ser_link.cc:443:] recv_thread:notify! service thread get hole! <14>Aug 9 08:11:01 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 71, server rsp: 3; domain test cost 576860 us; heart beat recv: 2, avg cost: 900860 us <14>Aug 9 08:11:01 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 7 <14>Aug 9 08:11:01 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 7 <75>Aug 9 08:11:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 27694 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <75>Aug 9 08:12:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 29730 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:12:02 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 12, server rsp: 9; domain test cost 250240 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 324790 us <14>Aug 9 08:12:02 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 8 <14>Aug 9 08:12:02 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 8 <75>Aug 9 08:13:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 31915 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:13:03 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 3, server rsp: 2; domain test cost 498940 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 159280 us <14>Aug 9 08:13:03 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 9 <14>Aug 9 08:13:04 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 9 <15>Aug 9 08:13:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(60, 60, 874326), udp(57, 56, 0), udp-cloud(9, 9, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 08:13:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:0 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 08:13:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 08:13:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want010 <15>Aug 9 08:13:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 1 <15>Aug 9 08:13:35 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 2144552032, Ssid -, Length 16, Flags -1333800124 ] <15>Aug 9 08:13:35 hgate[17851]: prepare to dig with KR0013070022, mode 1, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 08:13:35 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:13:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 0, light_cnt, 17, channel number, 4 <15>Aug 9 08:13:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 08:13:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 8:0:0:0:0:0 64:0:0:0:0:0 84:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 206 <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 39078592, Ssid 0q^ , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[17851]: start diging! flow_num 630, dig_request_value 101, peerssid KR0013070022. <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[17851]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[17851]: dont dig udp hole this time. 1 <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[17851]: send dig info! flow num 630 <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[785]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[785]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 785 ] <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[785]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53780 ] <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[785]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[785]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[785]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 40086 ] <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[785]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 40086 ] <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[785]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[785]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[785]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hgate[785]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 08:13:36 hproxy[24849]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:13:50 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430367459 pkt too long 438860 <15>Aug 9 08:13:50 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <75>Aug 9 08:14:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 1599 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 08:14:02 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:14:02 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:210, sock_fd: 15 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <14>Aug 9 08:14:04 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 933360 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 438830 us <14>Aug 9 08:14:04 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 10 <14>Aug 9 08:14:04 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 10 <15>Aug 9 08:14:10 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:14:10 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:228, sock_fd: 15 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <75>Aug 9 08:15:02 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 3784 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:15:05 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 509240 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 358140 us <14>Aug 9 08:15:05 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 11 <14>Aug 9 08:15:05 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 11 <15>Aug 9 08:15:07 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:15:07 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:15:07 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1417:/PacketDispatcher/Splice/write_complete] channel_id: 266, sock_fd: 17 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:15:07 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:264, sock_fd: 15 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:15:07 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:276, sock_fd: 20 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:15:11 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:15:11 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:284, sock_fd: 15 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <75>Aug 9 08:16:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 5961 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:16:06 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 140960 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 315310 us <14>Aug 9 08:16:06 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 12 <14>Aug 9 08:16:06 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 12 <15>Aug 9 08:16:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(120, 116, 3469075), udp(117, 116, 0), udp-cloud(17, 18, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 08:16:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:0 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 08:16:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 0, light_cnt, 35, channel number, 3 <15>Aug 9 08:16:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 08:16:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 8:0:0:0:0:0 84:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 426 <15>Aug 9 08:16:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 08:16:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want010 <15>Aug 9 08:16:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 1 <15>Aug 9 08:16:35 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 2144552032, Ssid -, Length 16, Flags -1333800124 ] <15>Aug 9 08:16:35 hgate[17851]: prepare to dig with KR0013070022, mode 1, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 08:16:35 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 39078592, Ssid 0q^ , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[17851]: start diging! flow_num 870, dig_request_value 101, peerssid KR0013070022. <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[17851]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[17851]: dont dig udp hole this time. 1 <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[17851]: send dig info! flow num 870 <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[7329]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[7329]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 7329 ] <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[7329]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53780 ] <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[7329]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[7329]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[7329]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 34383 ] <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[7329]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 34383 ] <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[7329]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[7329]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[7329]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hgate[7329]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 08:16:36 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1103:] no holes. <75>Aug 9 08:17:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 8139 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:17:07 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 192540 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 231125 us <14>Aug 9 08:17:07 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 13 <14>Aug 9 08:17:07 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 13 <15>Aug 9 08:17:55 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430372827 pkt too long 658600 <15>Aug 9 08:17:55 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <75>Aug 9 08:18:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 10471 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:18:08 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 180980 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 349920 us <14>Aug 9 08:18:08 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 14 <14>Aug 9 08:18:08 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 14 <75>Aug 9 08:19:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 12507 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:19:09 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 3, server rsp: 2; domain test cost 242320 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 457720 us <14>Aug 9 08:19:09 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 15 <14>Aug 9 08:19:09 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 15 <15>Aug 9 08:19:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(180, 176, 4176640), udp(177, 176, 0), udp-cloud(26, 26, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 08:19:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:0 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 08:19:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 0, light_cnt, 53, channel number, 4 <15>Aug 9 08:19:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 08:19:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 8:0:0:0:0:0 660:0:0:0:0:0 662:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 664 <15>Aug 9 08:19:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 08:19:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want010 <15>Aug 9 08:19:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 1 <15>Aug 9 08:19:35 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 2144552032, Ssid -, Length 16, Flags -1333800124 ] <15>Aug 9 08:19:35 hgate[17851]: prepare to dig with KR0013070022, mode 1, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 08:19:35 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 39078592, Ssid 0q^ , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[17851]: start diging! flow_num 1113, dig_request_value 101, peerssid KR0013070022. <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[17851]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[17851]: dont dig udp hole this time. 1 <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[17851]: send dig info! flow num 1113 <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[13715]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[13715]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 13715 ] <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[13715]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53780 ] <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[13715]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[13715]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[13715]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 44715 ] <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[13715]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 44715 ] <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[13715]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[13715]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[13715]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[13715]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[13715]: Failed to dig tcp holes. <11>Aug 9 08:19:36 hgate[13715]: zero hole! mode 1 <15>Aug 9 08:19:56 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1179:] not dead. 1 <75>Aug 9 08:20:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 14671 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 08:20:08 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:20:08 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:660, sock_fd: 15 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <14>Aug 9 08:20:10 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 1, server rsp: 1; domain test cost 119700 us; heart beat recv: 5, avg cost: 401556 us <14>Aug 9 08:20:10 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 16 <14>Aug 9 08:20:10 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 16 <15>Aug 9 08:20:16 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:20:16 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:684, sock_fd: 15 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:20:50 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430374974 pkt too long 512160 <15>Aug 9 08:20:50 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <75>Aug 9 08:21:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 16840 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:21:11 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 318920 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 448865 us <14>Aug 9 08:21:11 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 17 <14>Aug 9 08:21:11 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 17 <75>Aug 9 08:22:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 19026 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:22:12 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 268980 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 427015 us <14>Aug 9 08:22:12 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 18 <14>Aug 9 08:22:12 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 18 <15>Aug 9 08:22:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(240, 234, 5338231), udp(237, 236, 0), udp-cloud(35, 35, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 08:22:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:0 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 08:22:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 0, light_cnt, 71, channel number, 2 <15>Aug 9 08:22:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 08:22:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 8:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 810 <15>Aug 9 08:22:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 08:22:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want010 <15>Aug 9 08:22:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 1 <15>Aug 9 08:22:35 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 2144552032, Ssid -, Length 16, Flags -1333800124 ] <15>Aug 9 08:22:35 hgate[17851]: prepare to dig with KR0013070022, mode 1, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 08:22:35 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:22:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 39078592, Ssid 0q^ , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:22:36 hgate[17851]: start diging! flow_num 1352, dig_request_value 101, peerssid KR0013070022. <15>Aug 9 08:22:36 hgate[17851]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 08:22:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 08:22:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:22:36 hgate[17851]: dont dig udp hole this time. 1 <15>Aug 9 08:22:36 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:22:36 hgate[17851]: send dig info! flow num 1352 <15>Aug 9 08:22:37 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:22:37 hgate[20389]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 08:22:37 hgate[20389]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 20389 ] <15>Aug 9 08:22:37 hgate[20389]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53780 ] <15>Aug 9 08:22:37 hgate[20389]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:22:37 hgate[20389]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 08:22:37 hgate[20389]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53235 ] <15>Aug 9 08:22:37 hgate[20389]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 53235 ] <15>Aug 9 08:22:37 hgate[20389]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:22:37 hgate[20389]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:22:37 hgate[20389]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 08:22:37 hgate[20389]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 08:22:37 hgate[20389]: Failed to dig tcp holes. <15>Aug 9 08:22:37 hproxy[24849]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:22:37 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1068:] recv hole privide cmd:13 <75>Aug 9 08:23:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 21329 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:23:13 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 268960 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 222795 us <14>Aug 9 08:23:13 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 19 <14>Aug 9 08:23:13 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 19 <75>Aug 9 08:24:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 23350 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:24:14 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 252860 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 292595 us <14>Aug 9 08:24:14 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 20 <14>Aug 9 08:24:14 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 20 <75>Aug 9 08:25:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 25653 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 08:25:04 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:25:04 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:864, sock_fd: 15 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <14>Aug 9 08:25:15 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 157920 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 206050 us <14>Aug 9 08:25:15 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 21 <14>Aug 9 08:25:16 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 21 <15>Aug 9 08:25:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(300, 294, 6185389), udp(297, 296, 0), udp-cloud(43, 43, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 08:25:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:0 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 08:25:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 08:25:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want010 <15>Aug 9 08:25:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 1 <15>Aug 9 08:25:35 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 2144552032, Ssid -, Length 16, Flags -1333800124 ] <15>Aug 9 08:25:35 hgate[17851]: prepare to dig with KR0013070022, mode 1, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 08:25:35 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:25:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 1, light_cnt, 89, channel number, 10 <15>Aug 9 08:25:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 08:25:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 8:0:0:0:0:0 892:0:0:0:0:0 894:0:0:0:0:0 952:0:0:0:0:0 954:0:0:0:0:0 956:0:0:0:0:0 958:0:0:0:0:0 960:0:0:0:0:0 962:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 964 <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 39078592, Ssid 0q^ , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[17851]: start diging! flow_num 1594, dig_request_value 101, peerssid KR0013070022. <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[17851]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[17851]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[17851]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[17851]: dont dig udp hole this time. 1 <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[17851]: send dig info! flow num 1594 <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[26901]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[26901]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 26901 ] <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[26901]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53780 ] <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[26901]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[26901]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[26901]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53235 ] <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[26901]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 53235 ] <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[26901]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[26901]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[26901]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[26901]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[26901]: Failed to dig tcp holes. <11>Aug 9 08:25:37 hgate[26901]: zero hole! mode 1 <75>Aug 9 08:26:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 27864 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:26:16 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 1040880 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 204020 us <14>Aug 9 08:26:16 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 22 <14>Aug 9 08:26:16 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 22 <75>Aug 9 08:27:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 30017 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:27:17 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 1, server rsp: 1; domain test cost 221040 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 226220 us <14>Aug 9 08:27:17 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 23 <14>Aug 9 08:27:17 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 23 <75>Aug 9 08:28:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 32179 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:28:18 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 1, server rsp: 1; domain test cost 165440 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 239680 us <14>Aug 9 08:28:18 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 24 <14>Aug 9 08:28:18 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 24 <15>Aug 9 08:28:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(360, 354, 6595125), udp(357, 356, 0), udp-cloud(52, 52, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 08:28:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:0 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 08:28:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 0, light_cnt, 107, channel number, 2 <15>Aug 9 08:28:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 08:28:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 8:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 1094 <15>Aug 9 08:28:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 08:28:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want010 <15>Aug 9 08:28:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 1 <15>Aug 9 08:28:35 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 2144552032, Ssid -, Length 16, Flags -1333800124 ] <15>Aug 9 08:28:35 hgate[17851]: prepare to dig with KR0013070022, mode 1, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 08:28:35 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 39078592, Ssid 0q^ , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[17851]: start diging! flow_num 1836, dig_request_value 101, peerssid KR0013070022. <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[17851]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[17851]: dont dig udp hole this time. 1 <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[17851]: send dig info! flow num 1836 <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[1085]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[1085]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 1085 ] <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[1085]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53780 ] <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[1085]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[1085]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[1085]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53235 ] <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[1085]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 53235 ] <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[1085]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[1085]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[1085]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[1085]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hgate[1085]: Failed to dig tcp holes. <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hproxy[24849]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:28:36 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1068:] recv hole privide cmd:13 <75>Aug 9 08:29:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 1894 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 08:29:14 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:29:14 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1192, sock_fd: 15 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <14>Aug 9 08:29:19 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 2, server rsp: 2; domain test cost 153560 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 140410 us <14>Aug 9 08:29:19 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 25 <15>Aug 9 08:29:57 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1179:] not dead. 2 <75>Aug 9 08:30:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 4165 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 08:30:18 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:30:18 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1116, sock_fd: 18 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <11>Aug 9 08:30:20 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 231515 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 08:30:20 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 26 <14>Aug 9 08:30:20 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 26 <75>Aug 9 08:31:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 6480 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:31:21 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 1, server rsp: 1; domain test cost 242320 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 216405 us <14>Aug 9 08:31:21 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 27 <14>Aug 9 08:31:21 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 27 <15>Aug 9 08:31:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(420, 413, 6726405), udp(417, 416, 0), udp-cloud(60, 60, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 08:31:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:0 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 08:31:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 0, light_cnt, 125, channel number, 2 <15>Aug 9 08:31:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 08:31:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 8:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 1322 <15>Aug 9 08:31:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 08:31:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want010 <15>Aug 9 08:31:35 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 2144552032, Ssid -, Length 16, Flags -1333800124 ] <15>Aug 9 08:31:35 hgate[17851]: prepare to dig with KR0013070022, mode 1, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 08:31:35 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:31:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 1 <15>Aug 9 08:31:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 39078592, Ssid 0q^ , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:31:36 hgate[17851]: start diging! flow_num 2075, dig_request_value 101, peerssid KR0013070022. <15>Aug 9 08:31:36 hgate[17851]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 08:31:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 08:31:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:31:36 hgate[17851]: dont dig udp hole this time. 1 <15>Aug 9 08:31:36 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:31:36 hgate[17851]: send dig info! flow num 2075 <15>Aug 9 08:31:37 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:31:37 hgate[7885]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 08:31:37 hgate[7885]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 7885 ] <15>Aug 9 08:31:37 hgate[7885]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53780 ] <15>Aug 9 08:31:37 hgate[7885]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:31:37 hgate[7885]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 08:31:37 hgate[7885]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53235 ] <15>Aug 9 08:31:37 hgate[7885]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 53235 ] <15>Aug 9 08:31:37 hgate[7885]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:31:37 hgate[7885]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:31:37 hgate[7885]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 08:31:37 hgate[7885]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 08:31:37 hgate[7885]: Failed to dig tcp holes. <11>Aug 9 08:31:37 hgate[7885]: zero hole! mode 1 <15>Aug 9 08:31:37 hproxy[24849]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:31:37 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1068:] recv hole privide cmd:13 <15>Aug 9 08:31:37 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1103:] no holes. <15>Aug 9 08:31:37 hgate[7885]: dig hole process 7885 will exit! <15>Aug 9 08:31:37 hgate[17851]: ret value 0 <15>Aug 9 08:31:37 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_FINISHED, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:31:48 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:31:48 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1326, sock_fd: 15 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:31:52 hgate[17851]: send 50 sync <75>Aug 9 08:32:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 8669 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:32:22 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 221060 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 236250 us <14>Aug 9 08:32:22 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 28 <14>Aug 9 08:32:22 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 28 <75>Aug 9 08:33:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 10823 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:33:23 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 124620 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 183605 us <14>Aug 9 08:33:23 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 29 <14>Aug 9 08:33:24 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 29 <75>Aug 9 08:34:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 13008 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 08:34:17 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:34:17 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1610, sock_fd: 15 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:34:22 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:34:22 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1620, sock_fd: 15 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <14>Aug 9 08:34:24 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 686160 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 250575 us <14>Aug 9 08:34:24 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 30 <14>Aug 9 08:34:24 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 30 <15>Aug 9 08:34:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(480, 472, 7971318), udp(477, 475, 0), udp-cloud(69, 69, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 08:34:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:0 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 08:34:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 0, light_cnt, 143, channel number, 2 <15>Aug 9 08:34:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 08:34:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 8:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 1636 <15>Aug 9 08:34:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 08:34:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want010 <15>Aug 9 08:34:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 1 <15>Aug 9 08:34:35 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 2144552032, Ssid -, Length 16, Flags -1333800124 ] <15>Aug 9 08:34:35 hgate[17851]: prepare to dig with KR0013070022, mode 1, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 08:34:35 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:34:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 39078592, Ssid 0q^ , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:34:36 hgate[17851]: start diging! flow_num 2322, dig_request_value 101, peerssid KR0013070022. <15>Aug 9 08:34:36 hgate[17851]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 08:34:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 08:34:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:34:36 hgate[17851]: dont dig udp hole this time. 1 <15>Aug 9 08:34:36 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:34:36 hgate[17851]: send dig info! flow num 2322 <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[14427]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[14427]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 14427 ] <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[14427]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53780 ] <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[14427]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[14427]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[14427]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53235 ] <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[14427]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 53235 ] <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[14427]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[14427]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[14427]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[14427]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[14427]: Failed to dig tcp holes. <11>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[14427]: zero hole! mode 1 <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hproxy[24849]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1068:] recv hole privide cmd:13 <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[14427]: Send: ---> [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[14427]: no hole! flow num ex 2322 <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[14427]: dig hole process 14427 will exit! <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[17851]: No 1. Exit hole punching process: [ Pid 7885, Exited 1, Status 0, Signaled 0, Termsig 0, Wcoredump 0, Stopped 0, Stopsig 0, Continued 0, Error "" ] <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[17851]: ret value 0 <15>Aug 9 08:34:37 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_FINISHED, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <75>Aug 9 08:35:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 15186 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:35:25 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 218940 us; heart beat recv: 5, avg cost: 325588 us <14>Aug 9 08:35:25 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 31 <14>Aug 9 08:35:25 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 31 <75>Aug 9 08:36:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 17457 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:36:26 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 2, server rsp: 1; domain test cost 242400 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 220590 us <14>Aug 9 08:36:26 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 32 <14>Aug 9 08:36:26 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 32 <15>Aug 9 08:36:48 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430384625 pkt too long 1132480 <15>Aug 9 08:36:48 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:36:48 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:36:48 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1746, sock_fd: 28 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:36:48 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430384640 pkt too long 805720 <15>Aug 9 08:36:48 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:36:48 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430384651 pkt too long 935080 <15>Aug 9 08:36:48 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:36:50 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430384737 pkt too long 980420 <15>Aug 9 08:36:50 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:36:51 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430384777 pkt too long 1078560 <15>Aug 9 08:36:51 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:36:53 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430384909 pkt too long 1053420 <15>Aug 9 08:36:53 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:36:54 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:36:54 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1752, sock_fd: 32 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:36:54 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430384970 pkt too long 1053720 <15>Aug 9 08:36:54 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:36:55 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385024 pkt too long 1101820 <15>Aug 9 08:36:55 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:36:56 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385052 pkt too long 1225840 <15>Aug 9 08:36:56 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:36:56 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385055 pkt too long 1214900 <15>Aug 9 08:36:56 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:36:56 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385065 pkt too long 1168060 <15>Aug 9 08:36:56 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:36:57 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 430385095 pkt too long 1136320 <15>Aug 9 08:36:57 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:36:57 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:36:57 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1754, sock_fd: 28 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:36:57 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385091 pkt too long 1432960 <15>Aug 9 08:36:57 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:36:58 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385149 pkt too long 1382860 <15>Aug 9 08:36:58 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385150 pkt too long 1382860 <15>Aug 9 08:36:58 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|2 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:36:59 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 430385234 pkt too long 1267080 <15>Aug 9 08:36:59 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:00 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:37:00 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1760, sock_fd: 28 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:37:00 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385231 pkt too long 1500980 <15>Aug 9 08:37:00 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:00 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385237 pkt too long 1632060 <15>Aug 9 08:37:00 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <75>Aug 9 08:37:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 19518 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 08:37:01 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 430385313 pkt too long 1528220 <15>Aug 9 08:37:01 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:01 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 430385339 pkt too long 1025640 <15>Aug 9 08:37:01 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:02 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 430385323 pkt too long 1846800 <15>Aug 9 08:37:02 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:02 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385311 pkt too long 2196740 <15>Aug 9 08:37:02 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:03 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:37:03 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1762, sock_fd: 28 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:37:04 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 430385467 pkt too long 1065140 <15>Aug 9 08:37:04 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:04 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 430385468 pkt too long 1084840 <15>Aug 9 08:37:04 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:05 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 430385539 pkt too long 1360080 <15>Aug 9 08:37:05 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:05 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 430385544 pkt too long 1397560 <15>Aug 9 08:37:05 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:05 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385466 pkt too long 2754660 <15>Aug 9 08:37:05 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:06 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:37:06 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1766, sock_fd: 21 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:37:07 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385613 pkt too long 947480 <15>Aug 9 08:37:07 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:08 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 430385686 pkt too long 1099220 <15>Aug 9 08:37:08 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:08 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 430385685 pkt too long 1121720 <15>Aug 9 08:37:08 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:08 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 430385688 pkt too long 1147840 <15>Aug 9 08:37:08 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:08 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 430385687 pkt too long 1469120 <15>Aug 9 08:37:08 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:09 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385684 pkt too long 2005240 <15>Aug 9 08:37:09 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:09 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385755 pkt too long 873620 <15>Aug 9 08:37:09 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:10 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385756 pkt too long 1387720 <15>Aug 9 08:37:10 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:10 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385759 pkt too long 1398520 <15>Aug 9 08:37:10 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:10 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385788 pkt too long 821460 <15>Aug 9 08:37:10 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:11 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385860 pkt too long 947620 <15>Aug 9 08:37:11 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:11 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 430385878 pkt too long 875200 <15>Aug 9 08:37:11 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:12 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385875 pkt too long 1551260 <15>Aug 9 08:37:12 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:12 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385928 pkt too long 1006940 <15>Aug 9 08:37:12 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:13 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 430385976 pkt too long 970900 <15>Aug 9 08:37:13 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:13 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430385940 pkt too long 1735400 <15>Aug 9 08:37:13 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <12>Aug 9 08:37:14 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:640:/PacketDispatcher/oc_sync_check_timer] heart break, udp, 2066 to 2055 <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:688:] pack type 0 recv count 1 send count 0 <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:688:] pack type 1 recv count 0 send count 884 <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:688:] pack type 2 recv count 780 send count 204 <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:688:] pack type 3 recv count 6403 send count 1356 <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:688:] pack type 4 recv count 2395 send count 7184 <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:688:] pack type 9 recv count 529 send count 524 <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:688:] pack type 15 recv count 0 send count 780 <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:643:] No heart, peer address /data/homingsystem/var/hacc.sock <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:559:/ConnMgr/on_conn_fault] A connection is fault, udp <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1182:PacketDispatcher/on_conn_change] Re-transmit packet, number=37 <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(529, 528, 0), udp-cloud(76, 76, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:1 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want110 <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 5 <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hacc[26575]: unix_peer closed, Exit <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hacc[26575]: |close|<1010>|close udt <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hacc[26575]: unix write error, Exit: Bad file descriptor <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430386002 pkt too long 1135080 <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430386005 pkt too long 1064640 <15>Aug 9 08:37:14 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|2 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:15 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 430386057 pkt too long 951620 <15>Aug 9 08:37:15 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:15 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430386028 pkt too long 1678780 <15>Aug 9 08:37:15 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:15 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430386082 pkt too long 989480 <15>Aug 9 08:37:15 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:16 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430386126 pkt too long 1068180 <15>Aug 9 08:37:16 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:16 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430386128 pkt too long 994180 <15>Aug 9 08:37:16 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <14>Aug 9 08:37:17 htunnel[8343]: connect to <15>Aug 9 08:37:18 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 39078592, Ssid P \ , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:18 hgate[17851]: start diging! flow_num 2474, dig_request_value 105, peerssid KR0013070022. <15>Aug 9 08:37:18 hgate[17851]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 08:37:18 hgate[17851]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 08:37:18 hgate[17851]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:37:18 hgate[17851]: Send udp address echo request 5 times to: [] <15>Aug 9 08:37:19 hgate[17851]: Send udp address echo request 5 times to: [] <15>Aug 9 08:37:19 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430386195 pkt too long 1815140 <15>Aug 9 08:37:19 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:19 hgate[17851]: Send udp address echo request 5 times to: [] <15>Aug 9 08:37:19 hgate[17851]: Send udp address echo request 5 times to: [] <15>Aug 9 08:37:19 hgate[17851]: udp [8], echo server addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:37:19 hgate[17851]: NOTE:udp pub addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:37:19 hgate[17851]: NOTE:udp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:37:19 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:19 hgate[17851]: send dig info! flow num 2474 <15>Aug 9 08:37:19 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430386256 pkt too long 1107000 <15>Aug 9 08:37:19 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:21 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430386263 pkt too long 2555020 <15>Aug 9 08:37:21 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:21 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430386331 pkt too long 1568940 <15>Aug 9 08:37:21 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:22 hacc[26575]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 430386333 pkt too long 2561740 <15>Aug 9 08:37:22 hacc[26575]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:22 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421374381 pkt too long 994140 <15>Aug 9 08:37:22 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:22 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421374383 pkt too long 1012400 <15>Aug 9 08:37:22 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421374384 pkt too long 1012400 <15>Aug 9 08:37:22 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421374390 pkt too long 1012400 <15>Aug 9 08:37:22 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 1421374409 pkt too long 1012400 <15>Aug 9 08:37:22 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|4 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:22 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421374400 pkt too long 1242760 <15>Aug 9 08:37:22 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421374407 pkt too long 1242760 <15>Aug 9 08:37:22 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 1421374413 pkt too long 1242760 <15>Aug 9 08:37:22 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|3 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:22 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 1421374419 pkt too long 875360 <15>Aug 9 08:37:22 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:22 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 1421374421 pkt too long 891640 <15>Aug 9 08:37:22 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:23 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421374412 pkt too long 1588160 <15>Aug 9 08:37:23 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:23 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:23 hgate[19812]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 08:37:23 hgate[19812]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 19812 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:23 hgate[19812]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53780 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:23 hgate[19812]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:23 hgate[19812]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:23 hgate[19812]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 55479 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:23 hgate[19812]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 55479 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:23 hgate[19812]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:23 hgate[19812]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:37:23 hgate[19812]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 08:37:23 hgate[19812]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 08:37:23 hgate[19812]: Connect to UDP endpoint: [] <15>Aug 9 08:37:24 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421374469 pkt too long 1200860 <15>Aug 9 08:37:24 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:24 hacc[26575]: |close|<957>|close sock 109112462 <15>Aug 9 08:37:25 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421374524 pkt too long 807640 <15>Aug 9 08:37:25 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:25 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421374549 pkt too long 799980 <15>Aug 9 08:37:25 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:26 hgate[19812]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 55479 <14>Aug 9 08:37:26 hgate[19812]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:26 hgate[19812]: first go cleanup <14>Aug 9 08:37:27 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 38, server rsp: 23; domain test cost 237840 us; heart beat recv: 2, avg cost: 2243500 us <14>Aug 9 08:37:27 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 33 <15>Aug 9 08:37:27 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_EXECUTE, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 1, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:27 hgate[17851]: Execute command: p <15>Aug 9 08:37:27 hgate[17851]: child exit: [cpid 19863, pgid 19863, status 0] <15>Aug 9 08:37:27 hgate[17851]: Execute started: [pipe 8, debug 84, pid 19863] <15>Aug 9 08:37:27 hgate[17851]: execute echo 7 byte <15>Aug 9 08:37:27 hgate[17851]: execute echo 2 byte <15>Aug 9 08:37:27 hgate[17851]: execute echo 1 byte <15>Aug 9 08:37:27 hgate[17851]: execute echo 2 byte <15>Aug 9 08:37:27 hgate[17851]: execute echo 9 byte <15>Aug 9 08:37:27 hgate[17851]: execute echo 1 byte <15>Aug 9 08:37:27 hgate[17851]: Execute finished: [pipe 8, debug 84, pid 19863] <15>Aug 9 08:37:28 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421374692 pkt too long 791780 <15>Aug 9 08:37:28 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421374693 pkt too long 791780 <15>Aug 9 08:37:28 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|2 packet cost too long time. <12>Aug 9 08:37:29 hgate[19812]: No more UDP packet <15>Aug 9 08:37:29 hgate[19812]: UDP hole-punching success <15>Aug 9 08:37:29 hgate[19812]: Failed to dig udp hole. <11>Aug 9 08:37:29 hgate[19812]: zero hole! mode 5 <15>Aug 9 08:37:29 hgate[19812]: Send: ---> [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:29 hgate[19812]: no hole! flow num ex 2474 <15>Aug 9 08:37:29 hgate[19812]: dig hole process 19812 will exit! <15>Aug 9 08:37:29 hproxy[24849]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:29 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1068:] recv hole privide cmd:13 <15>Aug 9 08:37:29 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1103:] no holes. <15>Aug 9 08:37:29 hgate[17851]: No 1. Exit hole punching process: [ Pid 14427, Exited 1, Status 0, Signaled 0, Termsig 0, Wcoredump 0, Stopped 0, Stopsig 0, Continued 0, Error "" ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:29 hgate[17851]: No 2. Exit hole punching process: [ Pid 19812, Exited 1, Status 0, Signaled 0, Termsig 0, Wcoredump 0, Stopped 0, Stopsig 0, Continued 0, Error "" ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:29 hgate[17851]: ret value -1 <15>Aug 9 08:37:29 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_FINISHED, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:30 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_EXECUTE, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 2, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:30 hgate[17851]: Execute command: ps <15>Aug 9 08:37:30 hgate[17851]: child exit: [cpid 19889, pgid 19889, status 0] <15>Aug 9 08:37:30 hgate[17851]: Execute started: [pipe 8, debug 320, pid 19889] <15>Aug 9 08:37:30 hgate[17851]: execute echo 2973 byte <15>Aug 9 08:37:30 hgate[17851]: Execute finished: [pipe 8, debug 320, pid 19889] <15>Aug 9 08:37:30 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421374763 pkt too long 1600620 <15>Aug 9 08:37:30 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:31 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 1421374869 pkt too long 1108260 <15>Aug 9 08:37:31 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:31 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 1421374861 pkt too long 1398960 <15>Aug 9 08:37:31 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:32 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421374855 pkt too long 2134040 <15>Aug 9 08:37:32 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <11>Aug 9 08:37:32 htunnel[8343]: error to connect server! <14>Aug 9 08:37:32 htunnel[8343]: connect to <15>Aug 9 08:37:33 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421374989 pkt too long 1317160 <15>Aug 9 08:37:33 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:35 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421375104 pkt too long 1021300 <15>Aug 9 08:37:35 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:35 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421375105 pkt too long 1032580 <15>Aug 9 08:37:35 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421375106 pkt too long 1032580 <15>Aug 9 08:37:35 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|2 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(537, 535, 0), udp-cloud(77, 77, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 08:37:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:1 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 08:37:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 47, light_cnt, 161, channel number, 19 <15>Aug 9 08:37:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 08:37:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 8:0:0:0:0:0 1688:0:0:0:0:0 1690:0:0:0:0:0 1692:0:0:0:0:0 1698:0:0:0:0:0 1700:0:0:0:0:0 1716:0:0:0:0:0 1728:0:0:0:0:0 1730:0:0:0:0:0 1732:0:0:0:0:0 1734:0:0:0:0:0 1736:0:0:0:0:0 1740:0:0:0:0:0 1748:0:0:0:0:0 1756:0:0:0:0:0 1764:0:0:0:0:0 1768:0:0:0:0:0 1770:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 1772 <15>Aug 9 08:37:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 08:37:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want110 <15>Aug 9 08:37:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 5 <15>Aug 9 08:37:35 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 2144552032, Ssid -, Length 16, Flags -1333800124 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:35 hgate[17851]: prepare to dig with KR0013070022, mode 5, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 08:37:35 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:38 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 1421375240 pkt too long 1301380 <15>Aug 9 08:37:38 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:38 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421375239 pkt too long 1313380 <15>Aug 9 08:37:38 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:38 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421375241 pkt too long 1331800 <15>Aug 9 08:37:38 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421375244 pkt too long 1331800 <15>Aug 9 08:37:38 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|2 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:37:39 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:37:39 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1736, sock_fd: 24 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:37:39 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:37:39 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1764, sock_fd: 32 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:37:40 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421375310 pkt too long 1541580 <15>Aug 9 08:37:40 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <14>Aug 9 08:37:40 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 33 <15>Aug 9 08:37:40 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:37:41 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1748, sock_fd: 31 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:37:41 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:37:41 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1756, sock_fd: 30 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:37:41 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:37:41 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1730, sock_fd: 25 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <14>Aug 9 08:37:42 htunnel[8343]: register to server succeed <15>Aug 9 08:37:42 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:37:42 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1700, sock_fd: 20 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:37:42 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_EXECUTE, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 2, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:42 hgate[17851]: Execute command: ps <15>Aug 9 08:37:42 hgate[17851]: child exit: [cpid 20177, pgid 20177, status 0] <15>Aug 9 08:37:42 hgate[17851]: Execute started: [pipe 8, debug 84, pid 20177] <15>Aug 9 08:37:42 hgate[17851]: execute echo 2973 byte <15>Aug 9 08:37:42 hgate[17851]: Execute finished: [pipe 8, debug 84, pid 20177] <11>Aug 9 08:37:43 hgate[17851]: Heart break:sync_seq 62 <15>Aug 9 08:37:43 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_STATUS, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:43 hgate[17851]: close client 7 <15>Aug 9 08:37:43 hproxy[24849]: Recv EOF <15>Aug 9 08:37:43 hproxy[24849]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Return CLOSED ] <11>Aug 9 08:37:43 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:820:] unix link error :0. <15>Aug 9 08:37:43 hgate[17851]: The cloud is offline, Waiting 11 second to connect... <15>Aug 9 08:37:43 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:598:] damon link broken!!! <15>Aug 9 08:37:51 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:729:] re-conn daemon in time out. <15>Aug 9 08:37:51 hproxy[24849]: send register requst! <15>Aug 9 08:37:51 hproxy[24849]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:54 hgate[17851]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 08:37:54 hgate[17851]: lw ssl link connct to <15>Aug 9 08:37:55 hgate[17851]: tcp client! [6] <11>Aug 9 08:37:55 hgate[17851]: lw ssl link cannot get welcome information from server <14>Aug 9 08:37:55 hgate[17851]: Initialize connection: [] <15>Aug 9 08:37:56 hgate[17851]: tcp client! [6] <14>Aug 9 08:37:56 hgate[17851]: Connection: [ fd 6, protocol 6, local, remote ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:56 hgate[17851]: Relay: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 245, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:56 hgate[17851]: no 0 local unix accept 7 <15>Aug 9 08:37:56 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 0, Ssid , Length 200, Flags 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:37:56 hgate[17851]: A register request has been received! <15>Aug 9 08:37:56 hgate[17851]: Start register: [nation CN, seq 1101, expect 1, types 0007 ] <14>Aug 9 08:37:56 hgate[17851]: Connection: [ fd 6, protocol 6, local, remote ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:56 hgate[17851]: Relay: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 245, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:56 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 48, Flags 0 ] <14>Aug 9 08:37:56 hgate[17851]: Create synchronize timer: [ Interval 28(s) ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:56 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_STATUS, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:56 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 48, Flags 0 ] <14>Aug 9 08:37:56 hgate[17851]: Create synchronize timer: [ Interval 28(s) ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:56 hgate[17851]: Relay: ---> [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 49, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:56 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_STATUS, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:56 hproxy[24849]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_REGISTER, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:37:56 hproxy[24849]: [system_initializer.cc:84:] I am 2 <75>Aug 9 08:38:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 20974 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 08:38:03 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421376515 pkt too long 492300 <15>Aug 9 08:38:03 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:38:09 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421376767 pkt too long 1034560 <15>Aug 9 08:38:09 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:38:09 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421376770 pkt too long 1027960 <15>Aug 9 08:38:09 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:38:13 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 1421377052 pkt too long 1168380 <15>Aug 9 08:38:13 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:38:13 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421377039 pkt too long 1456600 <15>Aug 9 08:38:13 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421377056 pkt too long 1162200 <15>Aug 9 08:38:13 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|2 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:38:13 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421377057 pkt too long 1322160 <15>Aug 9 08:38:13 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:38:14 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421377086 pkt too long 1675140 <15>Aug 9 08:38:14 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421377088 pkt too long 1598760 <15>Aug 9 08:38:14 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|2 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:38:18 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 1421377289 pkt too long 1172500 <15>Aug 9 08:38:18 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:38:18 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421377242 pkt too long 2317900 <15>Aug 9 08:38:18 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:38:18 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 1421377310 pkt too long 1244760 <15>Aug 9 08:38:18 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:38:18 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<477>|hehe seq 1421377315 pkt too long 1290360 <15>Aug 9 08:38:18 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:38:20 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421377309 pkt too long 2677680 <15>Aug 9 08:38:20 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:38:20 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421377384 pkt too long 1404020 <15>Aug 9 08:38:20 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:38:21 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421377464 pkt too long 1062100 <15>Aug 9 08:38:21 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:38:21 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421377465 pkt too long 1802860 <15>Aug 9 08:38:21 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <14>Aug 9 08:38:28 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 53, server rsp: 51; domain test cost 13438240 us; heart beat recv: 6, avg cost: 8247790 us <14>Aug 9 08:38:28 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 34 <15>Aug 9 08:38:35 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:38:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1870, sock_fd: 38 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <75>Aug 9 08:39:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 22995 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 08:39:05 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:39:05 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2006, sock_fd: 48 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:39:06 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421378808 pkt too long 960940 <15>Aug 9 08:39:06 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421378809 pkt too long 960940 <15>Aug 9 08:39:06 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|2 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:39:14 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:39:14 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1822, sock_fd: 39 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:39:27 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421379547 pkt too long 466240 <15>Aug 9 08:39:27 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <11>Aug 9 08:39:29 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 17, server rsp: 16; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 560660 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 08:39:29 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 35 <14>Aug 9 08:39:29 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 35 <15>Aug 9 08:39:30 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421379631 pkt too long 434120 <15>Aug 9 08:39:30 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <15>Aug 9 08:39:58 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1179:] not dead. 3 <75>Aug 9 08:40:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 25298 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:40:30 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 4, server rsp: 4; domain test cost 213120 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 206035 us <14>Aug 9 08:40:30 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 36 <14>Aug 9 08:40:30 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 36 <15>Aug 9 08:40:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(597, 594, 2193226), udp-cloud(86, 86, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 08:40:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:1 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 08:40:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 39, light_cnt, 179, channel number, 36 <15>Aug 9 08:40:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 08:40:35 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 8:0:0:0:0:0 1688:0:0:0:0:0 1716:0:0:0:0:0 1732:0:0:0:0:0 1734:0:0:0:0:0 1740:0:0:0:0:0 1776:0:0:0:0:0 1784:0:0:0:0:0 1788:0:0:0:0:0 1790:0:0:0:0:0 1794:0:0:0:0:0 1796:0:0:0:0:0 1802:0:0:0:0:0 1820:0:0:0:0:0 1828:0:0:0:0:0 1830:0:0:0:0:0 1832:0:0:0:0:0 1834:0:0:0:0:0 1838:0:0:0:0:0 1840:0:0:0:0:0 1844:0:0:0:0:0 1858:0:0:0:0:0 1874:0:0:0:0:0 1884:0:0:0:0:0 1886:0:0:0:0:0 1892:0:0:0:0:0 1972:0:0:0:0:0 1980:0:0:0:0:0 2024:0:0:0:0:0 2032:0:0:0:0:0 2084:0:0:0:0:0 2176:0:0:0:0:0 2190:0:0:0:0:0 2196:0:0:0:0:0 2204:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 2206 <15>Aug 9 08:40:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 08:40:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want110 <15>Aug 9 08:40:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 5 <15>Aug 9 08:40:35 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 0, Ssid B 5L, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:35 hgate[17851]: prepare to dig with KR0013070022, mode 5, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 08:40:35 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 39078592, Ssid 0q^ , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:36 hgate[17851]: start diging! flow_num 2815, dig_request_value 105, peerssid KR0013070022. <15>Aug 9 08:40:36 hgate[17851]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 08:40:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 08:40:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:40:36 hgate[17851]: Send udp address echo request 5 times to: [] <15>Aug 9 08:40:36 hgate[17851]: Send udp address echo request 5 times to: [] <15>Aug 9 08:40:36 hgate[17851]: Send udp address echo request 5 times to: [] <15>Aug 9 08:40:36 hgate[17851]: Send udp address echo request 5 times to: [] <15>Aug 9 08:40:36 hgate[17851]: udp [8], echo server addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:40:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:udp pub addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:40:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:udp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:40:36 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:36 hgate[17851]: send dig info! flow num 2815 <15>Aug 9 08:40:37 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:37 hgate[26544]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 08:40:37 hgate[26544]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 26544 ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:37 hgate[26544]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53780 ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:37 hgate[26544]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:37 hgate[26544]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:37 hgate[26544]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 50852 ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:37 hgate[26544]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 50852 ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:37 hgate[26544]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:37 hgate[26544]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:40:37 hgate[26544]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 08:40:37 hgate[26544]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 08:40:37 hgate[26544]: Failed to dig tcp holes. <15>Aug 9 08:40:37 hgate[26544]: Connect to UDP endpoint: [] <15>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 50852 <14>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: first go cleanup <15>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 50852 <14>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: echo_state go cleanup: [2] <15>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 50852 <14>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: echo_state go cleanup: [3] <15>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 50852 <14>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 50852 <14>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: echo_state go cleanup: [6] <15>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 50852 <14>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: echo_state go cleanup: [7] <15>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 50852 <14>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 50852 <14>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: echo_state go cleanup: [9] <15>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: Recv hole punching echo: val=19830917, Ack hole punching verify message: val=19830917, ip, port 50852 <14>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: Datagram: [ fd 8, protocol 17, local ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:40 hgate[26544]: echo_state go cleanup: [10] <13>Aug 9 08:40:43 hgate[26544]: A new LAN UDP hole punching link has been created, udp hole 1, Total = 1 <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hgate[26544]: Millstone: [ Action punching, Result SUCCESS, Number 1, flags 0002 ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hgate[26544]: dest is KR0013070022 <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hgate[26544]: Send: ---> [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hgate[26544]: send 1 hole to hproxy father! flow num ex 2815 <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hgate[26544]: dig hole process 26544 will exit! <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hproxy[24849]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1068:] recv hole privide cmd:13 <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1108:] recv hole num: 1 <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1115:] recv acc_peer ip port 50852 <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:305:] send holes info 139, to son 26570 <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:311:] send hole to son, ret:0 <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hgate[17851]: No 1. Exit hole punching process: [ Pid 26544, Exited 1, Status 0, Signaled 0, Termsig 0, Wcoredump 0, Stopped 0, Stopsig 0, Continued 0, Error "" ] <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hproxy[26570]: [ser_link.cc:378:] recv_thread:recv cmd 101 frame len 136 <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hproxy[26570]: [ser_link.cc:396:] son hproxy get udp hole! <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hproxy[26570]: [ser_link.cc:408:] recv hole num : 1 <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hproxy[26570]: [ser_link.cc:527:] prepare update hole. <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hacc[26750]: hacc is starting!! version 1.98 <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hacc[26750]: Server Address:, Port: 50852, Type:1 <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hacc[26750]: SockFd Rcv From Hproxy Success: 7 <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hacc[26750]: peer ssid is KR0013070022 <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hacc[26750]: Connecting... 27 <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hacc[26750]: |connect|<881>|connected 1! <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hacc[26750]: |connect|<880>|conn to, peer ip port 50852 <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hacc[26750]: client socket 109112462, ret 0 <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hacc[26750]: Connectd to peer <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:40:43 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2210, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:40:44 hacc[26750]: client recv data from server: serve <15>Aug 9 08:40:44 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:258:] Build Acc connection succeed, 'hello'(5) <15>Aug 9 08:40:44 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:497:/ConnMgr/appent_conn] Append a connection, udp, require, 0 <15>Aug 9 08:40:44 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:603:/ConnMgr/get_best_level] Get best connection, udp <15>Aug 9 08:40:44 hacc[26750]: perf_stat_thread started! <15>Aug 9 08:40:44 hacc[26750]: unix_passthrough_thread2 started! <15>Aug 9 08:40:44 hacc[26750]: passthrough_thread2 started! <15>Aug 9 08:40:44 hproxy[26570]: [ser_link.cc:443:] recv_thread:notify! service thread get hole! <15>Aug 9 08:40:47 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:40:47 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2214, sock_fd: 26 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:40:47 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:40:47 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2216, sock_fd: 26 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:40:47 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:40:47 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2218, sock_fd: 26 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:40:48 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:40:48 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2220, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:40:50 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:40:50 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2222, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:40:51 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:40:51 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2224, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:40:53 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:40:53 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2228, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:40:54 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:40:54 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2230, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:40:54 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:40:54 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2232, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:40:55 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:40:55 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2234, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:40:56 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:40:56 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2238, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:40:58 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:40:58 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2240, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:41:00 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:41:00 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2242, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <75>Aug 9 08:41:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 27363 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 08:41:01 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:41:01 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2244, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:41:02 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:41:02 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2246, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:41:02 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:41:02 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2248, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:41:02 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:41:02 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2250, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:41:02 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:41:02 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2252, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:41:02 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:41:02 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2254, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:41:04 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:41:04 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2256, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:41:04 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:41:04 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2260, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:41:04 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:41:04 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2262, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:41:06 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:41:06 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2264, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:41:06 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:41:06 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2266, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:41:07 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:41:07 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2268, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:41:08 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:41:08 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2270, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:41:08 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:41:08 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2272, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:41:08 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:41:08 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2276, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:41:09 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:41:09 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2278, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:41:12 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:41:12 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2280, sock_fd: 16 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <14>Aug 9 08:41:31 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 4, server rsp: 4; domain test cost 129060 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 176890 us <14>Aug 9 08:41:31 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 37 <75>Aug 9 08:42:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 29415 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 08:42:16 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:42:16 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2328, sock_fd: 12 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:42:16 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:42:16 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2332, sock_fd: 12 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:42:17 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:42:18 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2334, sock_fd: 12 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:42:18 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:42:18 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2340, sock_fd: 21 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <11>Aug 9 08:42:32 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 12, server rsp: 11; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 187800 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 08:42:32 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 38 <14>Aug 9 08:42:32 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 38 <75>Aug 9 08:43:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 31686 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 08:43:10 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:43:10 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2032, sock_fd: 33 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <14>Aug 9 08:43:33 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 7, server rsp: 6; domain test cost 113160 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 170650 us <14>Aug 9 08:43:33 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 39 <14>Aug 9 08:43:33 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 39 <15>Aug 9 08:43:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(657, 653, 7820973), udp(58, 57, 0), udp-cloud(95, 95, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 08:43:35 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:0 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 08:43:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 08:43:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want010 <15>Aug 9 08:43:35 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 1 <15>Aug 9 08:43:35 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 2144552032, Ssid -, Length 16, Flags -1333800124 ] <15>Aug 9 08:43:35 hgate[17851]: prepare to dig with KR0013070022, mode 1, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 08:43:35 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 39, light_cnt, 197, channel number, 27 <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 8:0:0:0:0:0 1688:0:0:0:0:0 1716:0:0:0:0:0 1788:0:0:0:0:0 1790:0:0:0:0:0 1794:0:0:0:0:0 1796:0:0:0:0:0 1802:0:0:0:0:0 1820:0:0:0:0:0 1886:0:0:0:0:0 1980:0:0:0:0:0 2024:0:0:0:0:0 2286:0:0:0:0:0 2356:0:0:0:0:0 2360:0:0:0:0:0 2368:0:0:0:0:0 2372:0:0:0:0:0 2404:0:0:0:0:0 2406:0:0:0:0:0 2408:0:0:0:0:0 2410:0:0:0:0:0 2412:0:0:0:0:0 2416:0:0:0:0:0 2420:0:0:0:0:0 2424:0:0:0:0:0 2426:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 2428 <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 39078592, Ssid 0q^ , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[17851]: start diging! flow_num 3059, dig_request_value 101, peerssid KR0013070022. <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[17851]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[17851]: dont dig udp hole this time. 1 <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[17851]: send dig info! flow num 3059 <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[458]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[458]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 458 ] <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[458]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53780 ] <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[458]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[458]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[458]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 50852 ] <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[458]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 50852 ] <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[458]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[458]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[458]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[458]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[458]: Failed to dig tcp holes. <11>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[458]: zero hole! mode 1 <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hproxy[24849]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1068:] recv hole privide cmd:13 <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1103:] no holes. <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[458]: Send: ---> [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[458]: no hole! flow num ex 3059 <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[458]: dig hole process 458 will exit! <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[17851]: ret value 0 <15>Aug 9 08:43:36 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_FINISHED, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:43:56 hacc[27027]: |__ack_pkt|<447>|seq 1421393323 pkt too long 978820 <15>Aug 9 08:43:56 hacc[27027]: |processCtrl|<2373>|1 packet cost too long time. <75>Aug 9 08:44:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 1275 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:44:34 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 5, server rsp: 5; domain test cost 126820 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 647325 us <14>Aug 9 08:44:34 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 40 <14>Aug 9 08:44:34 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 40 <75>Aug 9 08:45:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 3313 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 08:45:25 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:45:25 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2534, sock_fd: 41 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <14>Aug 9 08:45:35 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 5, server rsp: 5; domain test cost 161900 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 342470 us <14>Aug 9 08:45:35 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 41 <14>Aug 9 08:45:35 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 41 <15>Aug 9 08:45:46 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:45:46 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1796, sock_fd: 30 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <15>Aug 9 08:45:58 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:45:58 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:2604, sock_fd: 31 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <75>Aug 9 08:46:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 5600 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(716, 712, 12743336), udp(118, 117, 0), udp-cloud(103, 103, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:0 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want010 <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 1 <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 2144552032, Ssid -, Length 16, Flags -1333800124 ] <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[17851]: prepare to dig with KR0013070022, mode 1, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 39, light_cnt, 214, channel number, 26 <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 8:0:0:0:0:0 1688:0:0:0:0:0 1716:0:0:0:0:0 1788:0:0:0:0:0 1790:0:0:0:0:0 1794:0:0:0:0:0 1820:0:0:0:0:0 1886:0:0:0:0:0 2024:0:0:0:0:0 2368:0:0:0:0:0 2372:0:0:0:0:0 2420:0:0:0:0:0 2424:0:0:0:0:0 2428:0:0:0:0:0 2450:0:0:0:0:0 2468:0:0:0:0:0 2486:0:0:0:0:0 2502:0:0:0:0:0 2512:0:0:0:0:0 2516:0:0:0:0:0 2636:0:0:0:0:0 2638:0:0:0:0:0 2646:0:0:0:0:0 2650:0:0:0:0:0 2652:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 2654 <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 39078592, Ssid 0q^ , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[17851]: start diging! flow_num 3307, dig_request_value 101, peerssid KR0013070022. <14>Aug 9 08:46:36 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 7, server rsp: 7; domain test cost 128620 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 322545 us <14>Aug 9 08:46:36 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 42 <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[17851]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[17851]: dont dig udp hole this time. 1 <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[17851]: send dig info! flow num 3307 <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[6852]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[6852]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 6852 ] <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[6852]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53780 ] <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[6852]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[6852]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[6852]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 45180 ] <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[6852]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 45180 ] <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[6852]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[6852]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[6852]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[6852]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[6852]: Failed to dig tcp holes. <11>Aug 9 08:46:36 hgate[6852]: zero hole! mode 1 <15>Aug 9 08:46:36 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1068:] recv hole privide cmd:13 <14>Aug 9 08:46:37 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 42 <75>Aug 9 08:47:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 7806 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <14>Aug 9 08:47:37 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 804540 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 382880 us <14>Aug 9 08:47:37 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 43 <75>Aug 9 08:48:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 9974 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <11>Aug 9 08:48:38 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 483685 us; domain test failed! <14>Aug 9 08:48:38 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 44 <14>Aug 9 08:48:38 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 44 <75>Aug 9 08:49:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 11893 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 08:49:26 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_EXECUTE, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 2, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:49:26 hgate[17851]: Execute command: ps <15>Aug 9 08:49:26 hgate[17851]: child exit: [cpid 12851, pgid 12851, status 0] <15>Aug 9 08:49:26 hgate[17851]: Execute started: [pipe 8, debug 360, pid 12851] <15>Aug 9 08:49:26 hgate[17851]: execute echo 3040 byte <15>Aug 9 08:49:26 hgate[17851]: Execute finished: [pipe 8, debug 360, pid 12851] <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:88:] Connection status: Connection info: udp(776, 772, 12750860), udp(178, 177, 0), udp-cloud(112, 112, 0), Current level: udp <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hproxy[26570]: [connection_mgr.cc:89:] Checking require: T:1 U:0 UC:0 <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:222:] father recv cmd 102 dig state 0 <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:233:] son want010 <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:774:] I am 2, send dig request 1 <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 2144552032, Ssid -, Length 16, Flags -1333800124 ] <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[17851]: prepare to dig with KR0013070022, mode 1, holes 1, bug 0. <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 16, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:352:] Send windows size, 39, light_cnt, 232, channel number, 12 <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:356:] Outgoing stat, summary: 0: 0:0:0:0:0 <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:360:] Incoming stat, 4:0:0:0:0:0 8:0:0:0:0:0 1688:0:0:0:0:0 1716:0:0:0:0:0 1788:0:0:0:0:0 1794:0:0:0:0:0 1820:0:0:0:0:0 1886:0:0:0:0:0 2024:0:0:0:0:0 2468:0:0:0:0:0 2672:0:0:0:0:0 2716:0:0:0:0:0 summary: 0, latest_unused_channel_id_: 2718 <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PREPARE_DIG, Uuid 39078592, Ssid 0q^ , Length 20, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[17851]: start diging! flow_num 3553, dig_request_value 101, peerssid KR0013070022. <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[17851]: tcp, I am comp. <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:fake tcp pub addr [invalid ip[c]:0] <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[17851]: NOTE:tcp pri addr [] <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[17851]: dont dig udp hole this time. 1 <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_READY_TO_DIG, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 210, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[17851]: send dig info! flow num 3553 <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_OFFER, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 407, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[13104]: close local unix sock 7 <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[13104]: Start hole punching process: [ pid 13104 ] <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[13104]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 53780 ] <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[13104]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope WAN , Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[13104]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope SERVER , Address, Port 3000 ] <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[13104]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope LAN , Address, Port 45180 ] <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[13104]: sibling address: [ Type UDP, Scope WAN , Address, Port 45180 ] <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[13104]: sibling address: [ Type ACC, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[13104]: sibling address: [ Type TCP, Scope FOWRARD, Address , Port 0 ] <13>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[13104]: dig tcp, peer ip , port 0 <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[13104]: peer is mips box, dont dig <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[13104]: Failed to dig tcp holes. <11>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[13104]: zero hole! mode 1 <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hproxy[24849]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 7, Protocol 0, Command PROTO_FD_ALL, Uuid 70022, Ssid KR0013070022, Length 153, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1068:] recv hole privide cmd:13 <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[17851]: No 1. Exit hole punching process: [ Pid 13104, Exited 1, Status 0, Signaled 0, Termsig 0, Wcoredump 0, Stopped 0, Stopsig 0, Continued 0, Error "" ] <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[17851]: ret value -1 <15>Aug 9 08:49:36 hgate[17851]: Send: ---> [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_PUNCHING_FINISHED, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 4, Flags 0 ] <14>Aug 9 08:49:39 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 0, server rsp: 0; domain test cost 178780 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 180855 us <14>Aug 9 08:49:39 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 45 <14>Aug 9 08:49:39 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 45 <15>Aug 9 08:49:48 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_EXECUTE, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 15, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:49:48 hgate[17851]: Execute command: ls -l /data/log <15>Aug 9 08:49:48 hgate[17851]: child exit: [cpid 13527, pgid 13527, status 0] <15>Aug 9 08:49:48 hgate[17851]: Execute started: [pipe 8, debug 366, pid 13527] <15>Aug 9 08:49:48 hgate[17851]: execute echo 266 byte <15>Aug 9 08:49:48 hgate[17851]: Execute finished: [pipe 8, debug 366, pid 13527] <15>Aug 9 08:50:00 hproxy[24849]: [ser_link.cc:1179:] not dead. 4 <15>Aug 9 08:50:00 hproxy[26570]: [../../io/io_system.cc:224:] read -1. 131 <15>Aug 9 08:50:00 hproxy[26570]: [packet_dispatcher.cc:1253:/Splice/read_complete] channel_id:1788, sock_fd: 17 Unexpected event: /131 [Connection reset by peer] <75>Aug 9 08:50:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 13931 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 08:50:24 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_EXECUTE, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 9, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:50:24 hgate[17851]: Execute command: kill 8343 <15>Aug 9 08:50:24 hgate[17851]: child exit: [cpid 14772, pgid 14772, status 0] <15>Aug 9 08:50:24 hgate[17851]: Execute started: [pipe 8, debug 369, pid 14772] <14>Aug 9 08:50:31 htunnel[15105]: register to server succeed <15>Aug 9 08:50:33 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_EXECUTE, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 13, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:50:33 hgate[17851]: Execute command: ps | grep htu <15>Aug 9 08:50:33 hgate[17851]: child exit: [cpid 15116, pgid 15116, status 0] <15>Aug 9 08:50:33 hgate[17851]: Execute started: [pipe 8, debug 368, pid 15116] <15>Aug 9 08:50:33 hgate[17851]: execute echo 229 byte <15>Aug 9 08:50:33 hgate[17851]: Execute finished: [pipe 8, debug 368, pid 15116] <14>Aug 9 08:50:40 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 46 <14>Aug 9 08:50:40 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 46 <14>Aug 9 08:51:41 hdns[8875]: 60s: user req: 3, server rsp: 3; domain test cost 217060 us; heart beat recv: 4, avg cost: 244685 us <14>Aug 9 08:51:41 hdns[8875]: domain test, client send count: 47 <14>Aug 9 08:51:41 hdns[8875]: domain test, client receive count: 47 <75>Aug 9 08:52:01 crond[7505]: USER admin pid 18155 cmd /data/homingsystem/bin/hmwatcher.sh <15>Aug 9 08:52:10 hgate[17851]: Recv: <--- [ Fd 6, Protocol 6, Command PROTO_EXECUTE, Uuid 70022, Ssid f6316b180000, Length 73, Flags 0 ] <15>Aug 9 08:52:10 hgate[17851]: Execute command: ftpput -u ftp -p ftp /put/log/R1JAN16AY0RZ /data/log/syslog <15>Aug 9 08:52:10 hgate[17851]: child exit: [cpid 18573, pgid 18573, status 0] <15>Aug 9 08:52:10 hgate[17851]: Execute started: [pipe 8, debug 233, pid 18573]